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Posts posted by mem0ry

  1. Hey folks ;)


    ive got still a small jka server, whichh I'm donating to the community.


    Name: Siege Ground




    Mod: basejka built off the following modbase (jasdk_modbase)


    Gametype: Siege


    Map Cycle: 

    • mp/siege_hoth
    • mp/siege_desert
    • mp/siege_korriban
    • mp/siege_destroyer
    • siege_boc

    Slots: 32


    Host: professional-gameserver.com


    Location: Düsseldorf, Germany



    Status: Server is under maintenance.

  2. Unfortunately any menus will require a clientside download, but there are always console commands. I'll see what I can do about not requiring a client, but it may be difficult to do, especially once we modify the sabering system. With the amount of security issues out there, it's always a good idea to download a mod's client as some clientsides fix major security issues in JKA. MB2 of course requires a clientside and it has been very popular, and still is fairly popular. As for the similarity to Lugormod, I can see where you're coming from, but as the mod progresses, you'll likely start seeing some unique features.


    Just drop the client and develop it later as an optional downloadable content? The greatness of lugormod, ja+ and so on comes with a pure serversided mod which allows each player (with and without clientsided modification or alternate userinterfance) to join the party ;)



    isn't. I'm not sure how I feel about this though. It seems like this

    would possibly take away from the RP and instead cause players to focus

    more on killing enemies than RPing.


    What about cvar? You can still store those Information into a bitfield.


    g_skillpoints "6" // 0 = admin only, 1 = killing player, 2 = killing npc, 4 = killing faction marked as hostile

  3. It was something I attempted at an earlier time, but I stopped work on it as a lot of OJP features such as the saber system, flash bangs, etc were liked. I may start work on that again and go through with it though if I feel it would be the best choice to make and if those interested in the mod feel it's a good idea. Honestly, I'd really like to use @ 's modbase to work off of because of all its fixes and improvements.


    well, I can help ya if ya want ;).


    I've got 2 small projects which can be nice to add:

     - Weapon crafting, its a little bit buggy and those mem0ryleaks (hehehe) drives me crazy - goal is to implement a functionality to improve ya weapons

     - Refactoring the bot and npc ai while using lua

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