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  1. Tx606's post in Icarus Script help needed was marked as the answer   
    I guess it's because the  script is read from top to bottom, right?
    Also if this is for MP purposes remember print needs an exclaimation point (!) before the message for it to appear. (Although that appears to everyone)
    If it may help you, here's something I used in MP for my map mods. A player gets their parm2 set to 1 at spawn and a scaler adds +0.1 every "use" until the limit is reached.
    The "2big" and "defaultsize uses are just target_prints I use to tell the user they're at the biggest size or the default size. Obviously you can use something similar for other map features like scaling objects/models/whatever, it's just to give you an alternative method.
    if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM2" ) > 2.900$ ) { use ( "2big" ); set ( "SET_PARM2", "3" ); set ( "SET_SCALE", $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM2" )$ ); } else ( ) { if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM2" ) < 0.100$ ) { set ( "SET_PARM2", "0.1" ); set ( "SET_SCALE", $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM2" )$ ); } else ( ) { set ( "SET_PARM2", "+0.1" ); set ( "SET_SCALE", $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM2" )$ ); } if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM2" ) = 1.000$ ) { use ( "defaultsize" ); } }
  2. Tx606's post in Entity modding assistance was marked as the answer   
    About entity modding and GTKRadiant:
    Generally you don't want to do this. There's a way to add solid objects (brushes) or resize them with GTK for entity modding. But it often doesn't work ideally. You can even remove collision, but it will give you a somewhat laggy effect when moving through said brushes because the client thinks it's still solid, prediction yada yada. There is a way to add or stretch brushes, but I only have found it to be good for walls and ceilings, not for floors/things to stand on. Your client will think it is still falling. Generally I suggest you forget all about GTK if you wish to do entity modding, as it generally is a somewhat messy method.
    To me it seems like you're new to this thing. Did you read any tutorials? There should be a few on JKHub. So anyway, you need to know how to:
    - Extract the entities
    - Modify the entities
    - Compile and put .bsp in a PK3
    - Or if you're using an OpenJK server just upload the .ent file
    There are plenty of guides which explain how to do the above.
    To your questions, OP:
    1. This should be very easy. In the t2_trip entities, find the existing info_player_start and simply move it to whatever origin you want. Yes, you can use /viewpos to get your origin, but it uses the camera, I believe. In JA+ you could use /amorigin or in Lugormod you could use /where as a command to see your clients origin. These commands should also show you the angle which you're looking at.
    So you could also add an angle key to whatever direction you want people to be facing such as "angle" "180"
    I recommend adding multiple spawnpoints to avoid people telefragging each other all the time.
    NOTE: I believe in MP, info_player_start is exactly the same as info_player_deathmatch.
    2. Depends on what exactly you want. The NPC_spawner entity can have an option that automatically respawns said vehicle when it gets destroyed.
    You could also add something like a trigger with a use-flag targetting an NPC_spawner to spawn the vehicle.
    About the video you linked: they're using health power converters. This is generally used for models because we don't have a convenient misc_model_breakable entity like lugormod does. Note how their crosshair turns yellow with the dead tauntaun on the floor at 1:26 or so. It's likely the same deal at other moments. They could also be using func_statics with model2 to show the models, and then put other bmodels (func_statics) inside the model to make it appear as solid. Or they could be using the blockwall feature from JA+.
    So, on how to make a button and make it solid: you need to use the misc_model_health_power_converter entity. This is used for most if not all of the models people add in entity modding. It's normally used for those healing consoles that you press USE on and it gives you back health. Obviously you don't want this, so you make a very simple icarus script that sets set_player_usable to false. Save and compile that script, and include it on that entity as the spawnscript. It'd end up looking something like this:
    "classname" "misc_model_health_power_converter"
    "model" "models/map_objects/factory/f_con2.md3"
    "spawnscript" "no-use"
    "origin" "123 123 123"
    The hitbox for that is generally not perfect however. Place it flat on the floor and you might be able to step on the button and it'd look somewhat odd. Generally I make it float a bit over the ground so noone notices it, or use a button on a wall or something. Alternatively you could move some bmodels inside the model so it would appears as solid, but that all depends on having a small bmodel available in the map you're using. 
    [EDIT] To clarify - that only gives you a button (model) obviously. You will need to get a trigger that spawns an npc/vehicle. Most guides out there explain how to move bmodels, which is what you'll need to do to get a trigger to whatever place you want to get it.[/EDIT]
    More complex designs are also possible, but would require icarus scripting and can be very complex if you're new to it. For example on my vjun map here's something I came up with: video.
    However I'd refrain from attempting something so complex for the moment
    3. Unsure what you mean. There is no magic command to magically texture something which has no texture.
    Yes, you could technically cover things up with models (health converters or func_statics with model2 key), but the process would be difficult and use up many entities. Not saying it can't be done, but T2_Trip is too large to cover all of those areas up.
    4. This should be easy enough. Simply dig through the entities and remove what you need to remove.
    I can't access the JAWA page you linked, by the way. My explainations might be a little vague, but I feel like you should try and inform yourself a bit more OP, you could probably get most of the things you want to do easily. Let me know if you need more help.
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