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  1. Well, I switched to a new server provider. Now with full access. I removed "/donedl" and installed Jass. Problem solved! Greetz Salasah
  2. Hello, since some days my server is crashed by someone. There must be someone who is able to make the clients crash with this message: "cl_getservercommand a reliable command was cycled out". Sometimes you can just reconnect but sometimes it crashes the whole server. My server is hosted by a gameserver provider where I only have ftp access to. It is running a 1.01 Server with Ja+ Mod v2.4 Build 7. I am not able to install Jass Security. I assume that the reason why I cannot install Jass has something to do with the way the server starts the mod. But I am not sure. I think it has something to do with the /donedl command. This is abused very often to prevent dying. I know a way to make this command unknown but it requires the server to execute another serverfile and I am not able to do that with ftp access only on my server. I look forward to any suggestions or support. Greetings Salasah
  3. Hi, is it possible to see the health of other players in Jedi Academy - MP? Is there a hack or a way to mod this? Greetings.
  4. /s_useOpenAL 0 /snd_restart What is that ?
  5. I know that the eye can see any difference. But it still has effect on the gameplay. I know that because i play this game for 8 years more fps = better gameplay
  6. yes, it gave me a bit more fps. I just thought there's something like an fps max lock I play this game for so many years Thats why i want the best of the best settings You got more ideas for more fps? like any cmds or so?
  7. I am using japlus. And yes my fps drops in mass fights. but even if there are only 3-4 players, i want to try to get 333 fps, because thats the best i think. There must be some commands or some other possibilities to get constant 333 frames per second :/
  8. Hi, in massfights i can only get 30 fps Is there a way to boost the fps in jka? I already put in all those fps commands on this side: http://www.thejediacademy.net/~jastaff/stuff/Random/fps.html
  9. Hey, if you could help me in this issue i'd also PAY for it. (I am not sure if its allowed tho.) But i really need to know how it works. How is it possible to make absorb visible when other people're using it....(in Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy - MP) Thats my question. I hope someone will answer and tell me step by step how that works
  10. Hey. Thank you for your answer. That's really nice. Can you maybe show me how exactly it works? I mean what exactly do i have to change? Maybe you can show me what to do step by step Would be really nice greeeeetings !!
  11. Hey. I have got a question and i hope here is the right place to ask I want to try to see absorb at other players in multiplayer. At the moment you can only see absorb, if you pulled or pushed your enemy. I try to find out a way, how i can see the absorb of other players without using force on them. Do i also have to change something in this?: Protect - gfx/misc/forceprotect Absorb - gfx/misc/personalshield I hope i'll get an answer ))
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