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  • Modding Interests
    General Modding
  • Gaming Specialty
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. That's a very brilliant idea! I though about the same thing long time ago (but then I was too young to know how to code) about changing weapons list and give NPCs various weapons known from movies, for example, enemies on different planets would have different weapons sets know from movies (for example dl-18 and other blasters known from movies on Tatooine, rebels dh-17 or a280 and stormtroopers on imperial outposts would carry dlt-19 and dlt-20a instead of the clumsy heavy repeater).
  2. Thank you for your reply! I would be glad if you sent me couple of interesting maps (especially those with realistic, metallic textures like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fbtzbtcIrw&t=26s ) so I could test it myself. As to answer my first question (regarding doom 3 engine): I thought it would be awesome to implement doom-like dynamic lights and shadows into openjk as it would make game's graphics more realistic and modern (especially making fireing blasters look cool and lightsabers tii, like in movies. The recent Battlefront has those cool graphical features). I'd also like to ask if the discord link is still the same as one posted somewhere on jkhub?
  3. Hi, I'm a new member here and I'd like to join your modding community. The idea of refurbishing old JK engine excites me a lot. I'm quite acquainted with c++ too. I also wonder if one could, for example, implement shaders from doom 3 engine into openjk rend2? (both I'd tech 4 and ioquake 3 have the same creators so it can be assumed that they share similarities both in structure and coding style). Also I've compiled openjk rend2 (df2 version) recently and I'd like to know if there are some interesting maps to test improved shaders, pbr textures, normal maps etc. I've seen videos on YouTube of splendid maps being tested by MaximumMurks and Andriy Kos and I wonder if it's posted somewhere so one can download it and test it?
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