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  1. Hi guys! I noticed today that the Azure subdomain ravenmaster.cloudapp.net was no longer registered, so I took the initiative of registering a virtual machine on Azure and attached that subdomain to it - and it's working! Right now I'm running a custom version of dpmaster for SoF2 on it and servers are slowly populating the new master server. Because I don't know what Raven Software has in mind with the subdomains I'm planning on waiting about a month to see if the DNS records don't change before taking the imitative to support other games, such as JK2 and JK3. More info: http://1fx.uk.to/forums/index.php?/topic/2342-master-server-is-back/ Maybe now is a good time to start thinking about support for the other games though, and maybe someone here could give me some insight on how JK2 and JK3 handle this internally. Do they handle the traffic the same way as SoF2 or is there something else involved as well? Could perhaps someone list the master server addresses here and the ports involved, or help thinking about what other games we should also support? Love to hear from you!
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