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Everything posted by ClanKryze511

  1. hey guys who wants me to make the star destroyer Vengeance's bridge from Dark Forces 2 or the Death Star's overbridge or Darth Vader's Castle on Mustafar or Krownest in GTKRadiant for Jedi Academy
  2. come on man please do me this solid.
  3. jeff could you please make the Monk who is one of the Knights of Ren from The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker? There are some photos of him from the Vintage Collection and Concept art. the link to the photos are right here. https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&biw=681&bih=653&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=k0x8XaXtOIWB5wLa_ZeQBA&q=knight+of+ren+star+wars+vintage+collection&oq=knight+of+ren+star+wars+vintage+collection&gs_l=img.3...14780.20454..21341...0.0..0.161.1776.0j13......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i7i30.bHsC7Bdivqk&ved=0ahUKEwjlgvG7ns_kAhWFwFkKHdr-BUIQ4dUDCAY&uact=5 https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&biw=681&bih=653&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=q0x8XYa0Os-y5gK4nrXQAQ&q=the+monk+knights+of+ren&oq=the+monk+knight&gs_l=img.
  4. Giant Coffee Bean: Coffee coffee!
  5. do you guys remember Jerec's ship the Super Star Destroyer Vengeance from Dark Forces 2
  6. hahaha that is so kriffing funny hahaha lol
  7. https://i.imgur.com/uDvY9LW.jpg https://www.fanthatracks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/knightofren_template_1.jpg https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/2/23/Knights-of-Ren-concept-art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160106175246 these links are the pictures of Kato Ren and ignore the two Knights of Ren on the left of the third picture the third Knight of Ren on the right of the third picture is Kato Ren aka Grenade Face
  8. i'll do that right away
  9. I got photos of him I can send to you if you wamt
  10. can you please do Kato Ren who is one of the Knights of Ren that was behind Kylo Ren in Rey's vision in The Force Awakens and is appearing with the Knights of Ren in The Rise of Skywalker? P.S. He's the Knight of Ren people called "The Rogue" or "Grenade Face"
  11. ok man but I'm not trying to get this thread derailed
  12. well I put the modified skin on the player model, modified the player model, and put shaders on the player model and exported the model as a .glm file in blender 2.79 and turned into a pk3 file and I play the game after I put my pk3 character file in the base folder but when I play the game with the mod in the base folder the game closes or crashes
  13. you mean Mudtrooper
  14. can any of you gys help me with a problem i'm having with making player models for Jedi Academy when i put my own mods on there it freaking exits out of Jedi Academy. Can you guys tell me what im doing wrong?
  15. I understand man
  16. i was being nice to him. I said that because I was just making sure
  17. by this guy do you mean me.
  18. thanks Lancelot. can I ask you and jeff's help on something.
  19. what are welcome for. i'm asking in a polite tone not an angry tone. i'm not mad at you or anythimg, man.
  20. oh. well I'm sorry dudes. i'm new to messaging on JKHub and i'm getting used to posting on this site and trying to make my own models and doing my own maps for jedi academy.
  21. what's with the funny Jack Nicholson gif lol? don't get me wrong that gif is pretty darn funny
  22. well you didn't reply back days ago and I thought you we're working on it and I wanted to check in.
  23. Hey Jeff. How's the rebels Bo-Katan model coming along
  24. No. well in season 7 of Clone Wars her armor remains the same but looks how it looks in Rebels on this link https://66.media.tumblr.com/24545a6fa9c1126ce05b7d39ed1d7754/tumblr_ppzx3ba9u71rk9c31o4_640.jpg But in Rebels she looks like this on this link https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwarsrebels/images/f/f8/Bo-Katan_concept.png/revision/latest?cb=20171010213348
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