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Everything posted by ClanKryze511

  1. @Jeffhave you ever used the art app GIMP before to make textures? and look I'm barely trying to not to get angry and stressed out right now between what @Tompa9 said yesterday to me an 18 year old and being stressed out about this argument that my mom and aunt and uncle (who are my mom's brother and sister) about our pieces of house land after my grandmother died. so I got a lot on on my plate here.
  2. no i'm not. but I do need help with voices for the characters and coding and I do need textures for the maps because I will be doing the maps and story script which will be the voice lines and names of the levels, stats, objectives, etcetra along with the music myself
  3. I need some help with the maps and map odjects along with character models and level and cinematic scripting. i'll be doing the script for the story and the soundtrack.
  4. It's about what happens after The Last Jedi and before the Rise of Skywalker which will be a Three Parter called Rise Against the First Order starting with First Order Ascendant, Mohc's Revenge, The Dark Prince, then part 3 AKA Eclipse which this whole Quadrilogy is about Project Eclipse which is the First Order's plan to destroy the Rebel Alliance/Resistance with a fleet of New Dreadnoughts led by the Star Destroyer Eclipse and the fleet's troop legion called the Eclipse Legion
  5. here's concept art from The Rise of Skywalker to be used to design and build the final level of First Order Ascendant for bsp it will be called dev_final. room 1: Kylo Ren's Throne Room (Devastator) https://i.imgur.com/RmcDlqo.jpg the throne at the top of the stairs will look like this https://i.imgur.com/48u4aiH.jpg but it will be all black with red lights in the middle of the left and right arm rest of the throne and the arm rests will not be slanted up but flat. back of the Throne Room https://i.pinimg.com/originals/86/b8/74/86b874030c0eb267332807aca5492b27.jpg there will be a door in the middle of the back. Room 2: hallway leading to the throne room the hallway will be like the hall way leading to the Death Star's Observation Dome in the force unleashed but with a turbolift at the back end of the hallway. Room 3: First Order Dreadnought Devastator's Engine room https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/reb_ca_1773_272372d2.jpeg?region=0,0,2100,2157 the middle of the Engine room will be like the doomgiver's shield generator but the size of the middle platform and the power consoles electricity and lasers power sound will be the sound of the REV-9 from TERMINATOR on this link https://youtu.be/Ai8JP8iIpFQ
  6. i'm almost done got to put the holoscreens on.
  7. I was posting the images of the characters and ships to show who and what are going to be in the story for jedi academy and how they look like. I need help with the character models, maps, and sound and voices. and the characters in this should not be in lego form. i'm also providing the story script and music
  8. Ships for Star Wars Rise Against the First Order: First Order Ascendant (Part 2) First Order Kylo Ren's TIE Whisper The Night Buzzard Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle First Order TIE Fighter First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter First Order TIE Baron First Order TIE Bomber First Order TIE Echelon First Order Heavy Cruiser First Order Star Destroyer First order Mandator V-Class Dreadnought Devastator Link: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/cba77566-f986-4c3a-9dda-f0024d7bf700/UPDATE-First-Order-Dreadnaught-Inspired-Redesigned-version-Canon-LOL
  9. Ships for Star Wars Rise Against the First Order: First Order Ascendant Rebel Alliance/Resistance ArrowScavenger The ArrowScavenger is a combination of the Freemaker's CT-900 Frieghter the StarScavenger (2 top images) and Rowan's ship the Arrowhead (Bottom image) with the cockpit the size of the StarScavenger's cockpit but with the Arrowhead's cockpit window, seats for 6 people, front tip of the front of the Arrowhead with the vertical triple-barrel blaster cannons and embersteel blade and the body and the right and left rotational site blaster turrets (with the turrets canopy rotating with it) of the StarScavenger. Rowan Freemaker's Z-95 Headhunter Rowan's Z-95 Headhunter will also have the glyphs of the Jedi Force builders as seen on the Arrowhead's hull. Moxie Freemaker's T-70 X-Wing Resistance T-70 X-Wing Resistance RZ-2 A-Wing Resistance B-Wing Resistance Nebulon-C Frigate Resistance Mon Calamari MC80 Cruiser Rebel Alliance/Resistance Hammerhead Corvette Standard variant Lothal Defense Force variant Rebel Alliance/Resistance Blockade Runner Fang Fighter Lothal Defense Force variant Tantive IV Quasar Fire-class Carrier Resistance Bomber Rebel Alliance/Resistance MC75 Starcruiser Lothal Defense Force variant
  10. I'm also doing Kylo Ren;s Chamber on his Flagship the First Order Star Destroyer Steadfast
  11. what map do you guys want me to make for the 1st day of 2020
  12. Main Characters for Star Wars Rise Against the First Order: First Order Ascendant (part 2) Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren Post Endor Appearance 30 Years Later/ Resistance Appearance Jaina (pronounced Jana) Wren-Bridger Default Appearance Main Villains in Rise Against the First Order: First Order Ascendant Supreme Leader Kylo Ren Default Appearance Capeless Appearance Knights of Ren Ap'lek Kuruk Vicrul Cardo(middle right), Trudgen(middle), and Ushar(far right)
  13. you got a point @Lancelot there are not supposed to be spoilers told till january
  14. Main Characters for Star Wars Rise Against the First Order: First Order Ascendant Moxie Freemaker Default Appearance First Order Stormtrooper Disguise Rowan Freemaker 30 years later appearance Kordi Freemaker 30 Years Later Apperance R0-GR(Roger) Zander Freemaker 30 Years Later Jek-14 30 Years Later
  15. I am the Dark Side!! I am ALL the Sith!!!!
  16. hey @Jeff could you make a game map md3 model for a Rebel Alliance/Resistance Blockade Runner
  17. well one of the things I need help with is the maps character models and voices including how to keep the maps and keep the floor of the maps stable so it could be explored and played and I don't go falling through the floors in Jedi academy
  18. I'm doing this mod for Jedi Academy for PC story mod called Star Wars Rise Against the First Order: First Order Ascendant which takes place between Episode VIII and Episode XI following Moxie Freemaker daughter of Zander Freemaker and Becky Smoochenbacher from The Freemaker Adventures after the events of The Last Jedi and Star Wars All Stars as she, her family's droid who is a B1 Battle Droid named R0-GR or Roger, Rowan Freemaker who is Moxie's Uncle and he's a Jedi (and yes he's alive but he's not a ghost), and a team of Resistance Commandos on the search for her father Zander Freemaker who went missing 2 years before The Force Awakens and fighting to stop the First Order and gain information on the First Order's new weapon and their plans for the Anoat Sector and the Abrion system. I need some help with this project
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