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    The Valley

  2. 361 downloads

    Hello there! My last completed map, but the first one I post here. I made all my maps for the xjedi.com portal, including this one. But time passes and people play less. I do not want these maps to be completely forgotten, because I have not created anything more in my life. Okay, to the point. This is a simple and spacious arena with two small team rooms. I tried to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere here because my previous works were dark and gloomy: D. And the main tool to achieve this goal was audio design and soundtrack. This is really relaxing. Enjoy! ------------------------------ Mapname: The Valley BSP name: xjedi_thevalley Version: 1.0.0 Release Date: 13.08.2018 Gametypes: FFA, TFFA, Duel, PowerDuel New Content: textures, shaders, sounds Music: Jeremy Soule - Blessing of Vivec [TES III: Morrowind OST] Bot Routing: No ------------------------------
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