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    Jack of all Trades
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    Moviebattles 2

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  1. Hello, folks! I am an aspiring mapper, two-decade-long JKfiles/JKHub lurker and long-time Movie Battles II dev. I've only recently started mapping over a year ago, but have long been apart of the mapping process in the level design phase. I was always deeply intimidated by GTK-Radiant and never really got into it as a result of my fear. I'm happy to say that after a year of a lot of trial and error, listening and learning from peers and watching people map, I have a pretty good grasp of how things work. But this process was tough, there is a lot of 'tribal knowledge' (passed-down from mapper-to-mapper) which led to a lot of frustration in the learning process. There was also the introduction more recently of a new branch of updated mapping program Netradiant, called Netradiant-Custom which offered a lot of more modern and seamless features that helped to make mapping less headache-inducing (and buggy) that got me to finally make the plunge and learn. While I learned I decided it would be great for the community to have a guide from a beginner's perspective on how to do it. So, I made one! While this guide does have specific instructions for MBII related things, it's not that difficult to translate the knowledge to base JKA mapping. As far as I am aware this is the only guide to JKA mapping in Netradiant-Custom, so I came here to share it and also ask for your contributions! The NR-C JKA Mapping Tutorial I would appreciate any suggestions here or actual Wiki contributions expanding, adding or correcting any mistakes I may have made with grammar or education. There are still a lot of areas which need and deserve further explanation and teaching, and I do think I'll be making a twitch vod series over at twitch.tv/EW4ever (my twitch, shameless, I know) to show the process vs. tell it for those of you who are more visual learners. But before I did that, I wanted to get the skeleton and base 'structural hull' set with all the most-important information for beginners wanting to making a map in MBII with netradiant-custom! At some point I believe this can be converted to a JKA guide, but since I am focused in the MBII mod, I have worded things over there on the MBII wiki accordingly. Thanks and may the force be with you all! P.S. if a mod can give me a mapper-related role that would be swell. ~Frenzy
  2. I was referring to Durge
  3. This is awesome! May I use this in Movie Battles once you are finished?
  4. You ever finish this? Would be a really nice add into a MBII FA I made (unless it's a port).
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