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  1. Editing this one as well--figured I may as well share what my process is for trying to make the mod, so someone can see where I'm going wrong. I'm using PakScape to copy/paste assets0.pk3>sound>chars>jaden_male somewhere so that I can reference the file names and general length of what he's saying. I have another folder I'm working in that follows the same structure (in this case VoiceTest.pk3>sound>chars>jaden_male), and am naming them the same thing as the files in the original folder (01jak001.mp3 for example), and editing the length if necessary. When I want to test it, I put my pk3 file into the base folder and run the game. Half of them seem to work fine, half of them don't for some reason.
  2. Originally made this thread to see if anyone could help me figure out a problem I was running into with another mod, but managed to sort it out myself about an hour after posting. Decided I'd just edit this thread, rather than posting a whole new one. Now that I got my other mod working, I decided to move onto something bigger. Went and edited the trandoshan model, fixed the sausage legs and potato face, and have it working with single player. So then I decided I needed to change Jaden's voice to go along with his newfound reptilian appearance. And that's what I've decided to do I guess--because replacing the 230 mp3 files isn't at all tedious. I've got a bunch (and by a bunch I mean 14 or 15) trandoshan voices from KOTOR, and planned to use those. Running into weird issues though. At one point for some reason, all the mp3 files decided to transform themselves into wav files, which took me ages to notice. But not only that, some seem to work while others are just silent. I thought at first that maybe they had to be the same exact length as the original files, but some of the ones that play are much longer, and some of the ones that don't are the perfect size. So... not sure what's happening there. If anyone has any good advice to shed on the subject of doing something like that, I'm all ears--anything to put off working on that for a bit longer. :V
  3. I stopped right near the end it seems. There are 21 hands when I open the model. ...don't tell me I have to edit all 21 (or 42, as it were) of them... ...'cause I will.
  4. Can't figure out how to attach files. Basically, when I open it in blender it's showing all of the parts (the 3 heads, all the torsos, etc.) at once. Also all that shows up in the outliner is model_root_0 model_root_1 model_root_2 skeleton_root The only one I can enter edit mode for is skeleton_root. Edit: This'll work in lieu of screenshots, I guess. Edit 2: When right clicking and entering edit mode for the hands... well there's more than one. Not sure how many. I stopped separating them at 20.
  5. I tried copying the folder structure you posted there, that seemed to work. Before I was just placing the _humanoid and jedi_rm folders into a new folder on my desktop. Now when I open it in blender, it's just a mishmash of all the selectable parts, and I can't edit anything... but that's still progress. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Yes, I have that file. Where do I need to put it though? Do I just leave it in the _humanoid folder? Do I move it to the folder with the model I'm trying to import? (I've tried both those things, neither one worked.)
  7. Hello. I've done some modding for the kotor games in the past, and after downloading these games again I noticed something I wanted to change. Basically, all I want to do is get the Rodian model into blender to make its hands less weird and gangly. I've used pakscape to get all the models, but when I try to open it in blender it says "file not found! (no gla?)" I've done some googling, and there's plenty of people that have had this issue (in fact, there's a similar thread from like... 3 weeks ago here), but what everyone says to do to solve it is flying straight over my head. Is it not as simple as getting the models from assets1.pk3 and importing them to blender? What am I missing here?
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