Hi, I mainly play the singleplayer for Jedi Academy and after enjoying my time with a good few mods (and there are a LOT of great mods here) I found one in particular mod that I especially wanted to put to use, the mod for Rorschach from Watchmen https://jkhub.org/files/file/2921-rorschach-watchmen/ Hence why I'm making my first post here Only problem is I wanted to use it in singleplayer, cutscenes and all, and there doesn't seem to be any option for that, at least for me. Hence I was wondering if anyone had a particular way or tutorial I could look at to just make it work in singleplayer as well? this is entirely for my own usage, I don't intend to take something someone else made and post it on here with a slight tweak. Apologies if there is an obvious tutorial post I could have gone to, I mainly got confused by which method I was supposed to be taking.