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  1. New 3v3 cup on faceit, everyone is welcome. This is on base JKa. https://www.faceit.com/en/organizers/09aa9fbd-b491-4b6c-90c9-ebcd13958fc2/Jedi Academy League More details here:
  2. Good Evening Everyone, We’ve got some exciting news that could mark the beginning of a brand-new arc for base JKA! As many of you know, we've been working hard to get Jedi Knight: Academy hosted on Faceit—and we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve officially been accepted! That said, Faceit is watching our activity levels closely, so the more engagement we show, the more support and perks we could unlock in the future. Our First Faceit Event: Jedi Championship Cup 3v3 Format: Best of 3 (Bo3) Rules: Same as our previous ladder—details will be posted soon in a permanent location. Map Pool: To be announced later this week. Signups: Open now and will remain open until next weekend. Goal: 16 Teams And that's not all... Thanks to Banhammer, we'll also be rolling out brand new servers specifically for Faceit. These servers will have built-in packet detection (automatically identifying spikes over 100 without the need for a Ybe proxy), done entirely server-side with zero impact on gameplay. A huge upgrade for our competitive scene! Please follow our Faceit page and help us show them that JKA is alive and thriving! https://www.faceit.com/en/organizers/09aa9fbd-b491-4b6c-90c9-ebcd13958fc2/Jedi%20Academy%20League Lastly, a massive thank you to everyone who helped make this happen, with a special shoutout to the following people: @Hammond (Hell Raiser) @Jrrrr @Kain @banhammer @robb @Till Let’s make this a new era for base JKA. Want to get involved, play, or just hang out with the community, join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/fEYvAkbJBP Want to just follow the cups and watch the matches? Subscribe to our youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@JediAcademyLeague See you in the arena.
  3. It is difficult to advertise to get players back to jka. In our community we struggle, we have tried forums and a youtube channel, but if no one is looking because they don't think anyone plays, then its very difficult.
  4. I just got myself a new gpu, I started jka and it feels off, blurry. I cannot fix it. A friend said to try eternaljk Eternaljk refresh rate is stuck to 60hz, my in game refresh is 144, and my desktop is 144, every other game works great for 144. Normal jka works fine for 144 :(
  5. https://hammond2789.wixsite.com/jkacup Please contact me here or on my steam to enter your lineup. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972279796/
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