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Posts posted by colonel-the-general

  1. On 2/16/2022 at 9:30 AM, Circa said:

    Sounds like some driver issue. I assume it was that OpenGL "fix" you installed. Was it an official driver or a random script made by someone?

    It was official

    If there is a remedy for Windows 10 users with the Intel HD Graphics driver, I have yet to find it...

  2. And I have just bought and downloaded the Steam version, didn't mod it one bit, and the zoom glitch still happened there. And surely, this must have happened once before...

    Rare nature aside, there's currently no way to fix this, as far as we know? I mean, I've done all I can from my side.

    If there's no cure for my specific situation, I guess I'll just have to live with it. If so, thanks for all the assistance here

  3. After a long time of removing certain minor files, I still haven't been able to pinpoint the exact problem, but if anyone wishes to try out my GameData files for themselves, you're welcome to do it. Just message me and I'll send the folder through messages...

    Oh, yeah, and the fix was the OpenGL fix for playing the game on Windows 10. I just remembered

  4. None at all. Not on my 32 or 64 bit machines, both of which used Windows 7 and ran the game fine (the Boba Fett level was a little iffy)

    Should we compare my configuration files to the vanilla ones to pinpoint the issue? I only added cheats to the key prompts and never touched any menu data, but just to be on the safe side...

  5. Anyway, is anyone still here? I might need some assistance with a Multiplayer crash before we start. I think it has to do with my custom work after replacing the default Imperials with HapSplash Imperial Base Officers. I did edit the torso JPEG images in Paint to downplay the slit in the front of the tunic, but that didn't cause any problems in SP or MP when I did that with the Heroes of the Empire Pack. When I downloaded the Base Officers pack, I reworked the models to have team colours and the default icons. What do you suppose might have started causing my MP to crash?

  6. "texture compression method: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc

    anisotropic filtering: enabled  (16.000000 of 16.000000)

    Dynamic Glow: disabled


    ------- sound initialization -------

    Initializing DirectSound

     - using ancient version of DirectX -- this will slow FPS

    locked hardware.  ok

    ----- Sound Info -----

    sound system is muted

        1 stereo

    32768 samples

       16 samplebits

        1 submission_chunk

    22050 speed

    0xb7a0050 dma buffer

    No background file.




    --- ambient sound initialization ---

    Sound memory manager started

    Loading dll file ui.

    Com_sprintf: overflow of 64 in 64

    Com_sprintf: overflow of 64 in 64

    Com_sprintf: overflow of 64 in 64

    --- Common Initialization Complete ---

    Winsock Initialized

    Opening IP socket: localhost:29070

    Hostname: Cole-PC


    Shutting down OpenGL subsystem

    Requested feature was omitted at compile time


    What could this one be?

  7. I seem to be having that same problem with JAMP, only I edited a sounds.cfg file in a multiplayer-compatible character model folder. I brought back the original, no change. I deleted the MP aspects and data of that character, no change. I even took it out of my base folder, no change. This is a serious issue simply beyond conversion.

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