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    Moviebattles 2
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  1. One thing I noticed is when I spawned some of the KotF npcs in a regular Jedi Academy level, the friendly npcs were pretty good about following me around hallway turns and navigating other obstacles. Other than waypoints and navgoals, what would it take for npcs to be able to navigate the maps that well? What does the huntkill script do(besides obviously causing them to hunt and kill their targets)?
  2. Is there something else that allows npcs to move around the map in custom sp maps? Or are they generally like they are in KotF, sticking to their spawn point for the most part? My experience since making this topic is basic enemies are the least responsive. Stormtroopers hardly react until you're right up in their face, and they really don't move from their spawn points at all. Sith Lords and other major enemies are a little more proactive though, they at least leap at you if you get far enough away from them, but like all npcs they stop following entirely if anything blocks their line of sight.
  3. I was reading something about maps having waypoints in order for npcs to know their way around. Could it be that a lot of the maps don't have any yet, preventing the npcs from really moving far from where they were spawned?
  4. I tried to recreate the Death Star scene from A New Hope by spawning npcs around the map, stormtroopers, Imperial officers, Vader, and the heroes, but the thing is, the npcs seem kind of dumb. The friendly npcs only follow if I don't get too far ahead of them and they get stuck in corners(Ben refuses to follow Luke at all and stays where he spawned), while the enemies don't move around very much. The stormtroopers will shoot but not pursue or strafe, and all the enemy npcs mainly stick to the area in which they were spawned. Likewise, I also tried recreating the Cloud City scene from TESB with the Bespin map, but like on the Death Star map, Vader will not follow Luke or leave the general area he was spawned in. Is there any way to make npcs more proactive?
  5. But what about characters that don't already have a counterpart in the mod, like Han Solo? Edit: I figured it out, kind of. I gave Han's model a similar name to Poe Dameron's, which is JEDI_ST_POE, I just added a 2 at the end and as a result, he uses the same blaster as well as the seeker drone.
  6. I was thinking it had something to do with the name. I'll try that. Hopefully Han's brief career as a Jedi is about to come to an end. Thank you.
  7. I made a new jkb file with that info, replaced the original with it, and now the game crashes just as the match starts to load. I'm stumped. It doesn't look like there's anything wrong with the file that would cause a crash.
  8. I deleted the models in frustration so whatever I changed in those files is gone, but the first one is the Han uploaded here, Major Clod's Han, and the other one is a work in progress by Seven: http://www.mediafire.com/file/uqh488sawhhaq0x/han.zip
  9. That's what's so strange, because no matter what I do to the jkb file, he won't give up that damn lightsaber. I've set saber weight to 0, thinking that would stop him from using it. In other jkb files, I've noticed that sometimes there's no section for force powers so I figured erasing that would make him a non-force sensitive. But other than all that, I don't understand the meaning of all the numbers and letters in that section, but I have done what you said. I tried copying that section over from Lando's and Poe's jkb files but he still comes with a lightsaber equipped by default, with the only difference being whether he uses it to attack or just uses melee attacks.
  10. I guess I should have looked a little harder. Thanks guys. I'll try to keep the unnecessary topics to a minimum. lol
  11. Thanks, so there's no individual releases of the other Leias? Just ones that are part of total conversion mods?
  12. I'd be surprised if there isn't at least a Bespin Leia somewhere, but I could only find those two in the downloads section.
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