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Everything posted by Valis

  1. Introduction This tutorial is based on the reskinning of the standard models you can usually find under your profile screen. I have added a screenshot under almost every piece of text you can find here incase you do not understand something. 1: The Tools 2: The Start 3: Lets Paint! 4: Ingame with it! 5: RESULTS 1: The Tools Alright so you want to make your own skin? Well you will be needing certain tools to start with or else you won't get any further. Here's a list of tools that you will be using: Pakscape(recommend)/Ipak3/winrar/winzip Modview Photoshop/Gimp/or any other painting program Notepad/textedit or any other text editing program Download Pakscape Download ModView Photoshop is not a free tool and i will not give any download links of that, Gimp on the other hand is free to use and can be found here http://www.gimp.org/ I will be using Photoshop in this tutorial but both Photoshop and gimp work the same so it shouldn't give any issues TextEdit is an text editing tool for Mac users Pakscape Is used to get into the assets file where the skins are located you could compare it to winrar or winzip but i recommend to just use Pakscape because you can easily save your skin as a .pk3 later on and its easier to arrange everything. There also is Ipak3 for Mac users but i have no knowledge on that program other than that it can be used to make maps and skins Modview Is used to see your skin, you can also see the animations for further amusement. There also is a option in there to make a screenshot to file or clipboard which will proof quite usefull if you were going to show off your skin before showing it ingame. Photoshop/Gimp Our very own digital paintbuckets, this is where we will do most of the work in...well to be honest not the most annoying work. **Both programs work on the Mac** Notepad/Textedit You can use any text editing tool for use on the .skin files but i recommend the ones that come standard with windows or mac. 2: The Start Before we start reskinning, we need a folder to actually place them in... So what i want you to do is: Go find a location somewhere on your computer and make a new folder and name it Base. Then go inside the Base folder and make a new folder called Models Then go inside the Models folder and make a new folder called Players Now you would have: (example:) C:/Base/Models/Players(I will use the desktop) Now its time to get some things done inside the players folder To do this we will have to open Pakscape As soon as you have opened pakscape, do it in this order: File > Open > Assets1, Then go into Models > Players > And now you copy/paste the _Humanoid folder into the Players folder that you have just created. Sometimes you might get issues in modview about shaders, usually its not a big deal but just to be on the save side: Open Assets1 (if not already) and copy the entire Shaders folder inside your newly created base folder. Now comes the fun part, WE are going to put the skin you want to reskin inside your newly created folder. I will be using the Jedi model. Open Assets1, once again inside Models > Players. And now you search for the model you desire (jedi model for me) Put your desired reskin inside your newly created players folder so it would look like Base > Models > Players > Skinfolderhere basically in the same place you have put the _Humanoid folder. Alright. Just one more thing till we head over to the next chapter. We are going to show off our skin in Modview Start modview Click Open and then look for the folder your skin is located at Open the .GLM file (usually the only one visible) AND THERE IS YOUR SKIN! We will be using this program to keep track on our skin If you run windows Vista or 7, you might get crashing issue's with Modview. To fix this you will have to change the compatibility mode to XP 3: LETS PAINT! Go inside your desired skin folder and you will see ALOT of files in there...these are the files you will be reskinning. For some skins you might want to remove some unnecessary files. If you are following the tutorial exactly as i am doing (using the Jedi model) then remove all the files not referring to the standard jedi model You might want to re-open Modview after removing some parts Now open the first file you wish to reskin in your desired painting program. I will change the torso. From here you are going to let your inspiration flow and do whatever you want!!! I will make the torso white using the quick selection tool, black/white tool, and then adjusting the brightness in the variations option. Ok so you have changed something inside your model. Now you probably want to see how it looks like on your skin don't you? Alright maximize modview and then press the button shown in the below screenshot Hint: Pressing both buttons next to the red circled button, you can adjust the view Now your skin will refresh and whatever you have done to the .JPG file will be shown. Here's an example of my own edit: Hint: To move around towards the back of the skin, simply hold your left mouse button and drag around. Alright so are you happy with what you have done? As soon as you have reskinned all the parts that you need, We will want to see it ingame!. The only problem now is that you would just have replaced the normal model so we will have to change some other files first!. Which will be explained in the next chapter. But first...lets see what i have done with my version of the Jedi. 4: Ingame with it! Finally we're gonna see him ingame! After some other parts of course. We can basically just put this Jedi model into our game's folder now but that would just overwrite the original Jedi model, and i don't want that in this tutorial!. So we are going to rename him. First i want you to rename the folder where all the .JPG files are in. Use whatever name you like BUT remember the name. I will use ValisTest Now go back into your skinfolder and open the Model_Default file in notepad. You will see alot of lines... Now basically all you have to do is rename all the names (Jedi in my situation) into the same name you gave your skinfolder. Hint: Press CTRL+H so you can change everything in an instant If you have changed the names of the JPG's. You will also have to change the names inside this file or else it won't work. Are you unsure if you did everything right? Then open Modview again select the skin and see if you get any errors, most errors come from the Model_Default file. Everything correct now? Alright! now its time to get it into the game folder. So open pakscape and make a new a new file by either going to File > New or by pressing the white paper in the top left. Now you will have to do something probably already familiar to you. Make a new folder and call it Models then go inside models and call it Players. Now put the folder of your newly created skin into the Players folder. And save the file as a .Pk3 Inside your Game's Base folder. Alright! you got your new skin placed in your game's Base folder! now go ingame and see if it works! I will do the same! Hint: But for you it might be best to read a little bit further first I have tested my version of the skin, and it works. And if you have followed the tutorial the correct way then yours should as well BUT i suggested you shouldn't have looked yet. BECAUSE we are still missing something. Which are Icons! Normally i would've put this in 1 of the other chapters but this way you will learn more about the programs as you play around with them. So go back to the folder where you edited all your JPG's. And grab the Icon_Default. Open it in your painting program. Now edit it however you like, as this will show up on the leaderboard at times. And you will be able to see it when you want to select it from your profile. Now you open up pakscape, and you open your newly created skin which is located into your game's base folder Go into Models > Players > Skinfolder And put your icon in there. It could be that you already put some icon in there, so in that case just overwrite it. 5: RESULTS! ALRIGHT! now go ingame and test it! When you enter the game you can either select your skin by clicking the icon in your profile OR type /model YourSkinNameHere in your console (mine would still be ValisTest) Here are some screenshots of the skin from this tutorial. https://jkhub.org/images/Pd6zs.jpg https://jkhub.org/images/aL1bZ.jpg https://jkhub.org/images/0bo33.jpg Congratulations, You have succeeded in making your own skin!. I'm looking forward to see your future work!
  2. Introduction In this tutorial we will learn about NPC Support. Its 1 of those things that i like as a ‘optional’ thing but the people from Jk3files seem to like it. This Tutorial will look slightly different because its really short and doesn’t need that much of an explanation. 1: The Tools Here's a list of tools that you will be using: Pakscape(recommend)/Ipak3/winrar/winzip Notepad/Wordpad/textedit/ or any other text editing program In this Tutorial, I’m expecting you already know the basics of reskinning and already own pakscape. 2: What to do The first thing you need to do is open up assets1.pk3 with PakScape. Then go to Ext_data > Npcs. There are alot of files here! I will use the Jedi.npc simply because i’ve been using the Jedi model for the past tutorials as well. So copy/paste the .npc of your choice to a place on your computer (your reskin folder would be best so you won’t lose it). Now that you have the file, open it with notepad or any other txt tool. And now you should see something like this: Most of these lines aren’t that important but play around with them if you wish. At least change the name ‘Jedi’ to the name of your skin!. Also don’t forget to change the sound name as well (snd,sndcombat,sndjedi) if you have different sounds than the default skin that is. The file in this tutorial is already set as if it is your ally so you don’t have to worry about it attacking you. If you wish that it becomes your enemy. Just reverse the Player and Enemy teamnames ( TEAM_PLAYER – TEAM_ENEMY ). Now that all the lines are edited, you have to save it. Name it something like *skinname*.npc (ValisTest.npc for me). Now we want to have it together with our skin itself so….Open your skin.pk3 with Pakscape and on the first screen (same place as where models is located) make a new folder called ext_data, then inside of that, make a new folder called npcs. Then put your .NPC file in there. Don’t forget to save! NOW WE WANT TO TEST IT!. So go into single player mode , activate cheats (helpusobi 1) , and spawn it! /Npc Spawn ValisTest(or whatever name you have).
  3. Introduction In this tutorial we will learn about adding sound. What is a new skin when it doesn’t even have its own set of sounds? TAKE THAT! Anyone? I'm still not that very experienced in adding sounds but i will tell you what i know. This topic will remain unlocked so we can discuss about this if needed 1: The Tools Pakscape(recommend)/Ipak3/winrar/winzip Any music/sound editing tool. Audacity would work well In this Tutorial, i’m expecting you already know the basics of reskinning and already own pakscape and know how everything works. 2: Making the sound First you will have to figure out what you exactly want as your sound…be creative i guess? What i did was look around on youtube to find something interesting and i bumped into something from World of Warcraft where an Orc said: STOP POKING ME!. So i downloaded that youtube video as a .mp3 (not explaining this part). Whenever you have found the file you want to use. Open your music/sound editing tool and cut here and there because it must not be too long. It is still unknown to me what the maximum length is, so experiment with that if you wish. Just don’t make it 3 minutes long!. The file i use is 6 seconds after all the cutting. Also the bitrate of my file is 128kbs, you can set this in most sound editing tools but i recommend it stays this way to avoid future problems. The filesize is 95kb, i am also not sure about how big the file size can be in total of something like this. But the smaller the better because we don’t want to download a 10mb skin with 6mb sounds in it! Lets say…the file you were making was a Taunt. So you will save it as Taunt.mp3. If you made more taunts then save it as Taunt1.mp3 and another one Taunt2.mp3 (+1 each time you have a new one). Death sounds? Death1.mp3, Death2.mp3 etc 3: Time to add Lets add your newly created sounds to your skin!. Open pakscape and navigate untill you find your skin and open it. Make a new folder called: Sound Inside Sound you make a new folder called: Chars Inside Chars you make a new folder named after your skin (ValisTest for me) Inside *ValisTest* you make a new folder called: Misc And inside misc, you will place all the sounds you made! Now that you did most of the work, there’s just 1 more thing to do. If you remember the first tutorial I made, you noticed I left the Sound.cfg inside the skinfolder! At the same place all the bodyparts are located. So what i want you to do is open that in Notepad just to see if the name inside is the same as your skin. If its not then please change it or else it won’t work!. And now that i’m talking about this. This Sound.cfg is the basic version of adding sounds, if you change Jedi into Luke, then he will use the basic sounds JKA has for Luke!. 4: Testing 1 2 3 Alright! So now its time to go ingame and HEAR if it works!. So taunt spam a bit, kill yourself, etc. If for some reason you still hear: TAKE THAT! Then you might’ve done something wrong with 1 of the folders or the sound.cfg didn’t save like it should have. If everything seems fine, yet you can’t find the problem. The solution i once did was just remake it, for some reason it worked after that even tho no details changed at all. If you think you are done and don't feel like adding more sounds, remember that some parts are still opened. Lets say you added sounds for alot of things, but you didn't add any taunts. That would mean the taunts will remain as Take that!. Best solution for this if you do not wish to have any taunts, is to make a taunt.mp3 with nothing in it (hint: You can steal it from my skin(12 november 2010) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope this tutorial helped you out a little. Like i said i'm still not very experienced on this part and it still needs alot of experimenting in my eyes. If you have figured out some interesting things about something like....Bitrate...Filesize...Timelimit...Etc. This topic will remain unlocked compared to the other tutorials so you are free to post.
  4. Introduction This tutorial is based on the reskinning of the standard models you can usually find under your profile screen. I have added a screenshot under almost every piece of text you can find here incase you do not understand something. 1: The Tools 2: The Start 3: Lets Paint! 4: Ingame with it! 5: RESULTS 1: The Tools Alright so you want to make your own skin? Well you will be needing certain tools to start with or else you won't get any further. Here's a list of tools that you will be using: Pakscape(recommend)/Ipak3/winrar/winzipModviewPhotoshop/Gimp/or any other painting programNotepad/textedit or any other text editing programDownload Pakscape Download ModView Photoshop is not a free tool and i will not give any download links of that, Gimp on the other hand is free to use and can be found here http://www.gimp.org/ I will be using Photoshop in this tutorial but both Photoshop and gimp work the same so it shouldn't give any issues TextEdit is an text editing tool for Mac users Ipak3 is a pk3 maker for Mac users Download iPak3 Pakscape Is used to get into the assets file where the skins are located you could compare it to winrar or winzip but i recommend to just use Pakscape because you can easily save your skin as a .pk3 later on and its easier to arrange everything. There also is Ipak3 for Mac users but i have no knowledge on that program other than that it can be used to make maps and skins Modview Is used to see your skin, you can also see the animations for further amusement. There also is a option in there to make a screenshot to file or clipboard which will proof quite usefull if you were going to show off your skin before showing it ingame. Photoshop/Gimp Our very own digital paintbuckets, this is where we will do most of the work in...well to be honest not the most annoying work. **Both programs work on the Mac** Notepad/Textedit You can use any text editing tool for use on the .skin files but i recommend the ones that come standard with windows or mac. 2: The Start Before we start reskinning, we need a folder to actually place them in... So what i want you to do is: Go find a location somewhere on your computer and make a new folder and name it Base.Then go inside the Base folder and make a new folder called ModelsThen go inside the Models folder and make a new folder called PlayersNow you would have: (example:) C:/Base/Models/Players(I will use the desktop) Now its time to get some things done inside the players folder To do this we will have to open Pakscape As soon as you have opened pakscape, do it in this order: File > Open > Assets1, Then go into Models > Players > And now you copy/paste the _Humanoid folder into the Players folder that you have just created. Sometimes you might get issues in modview about shaders, usually its not a big deal but just to be on the save side: Open Assets1 (if not already) and copy the entire Shaders folder inside your newly created base folder. Now comes the fun part, WE are going to put the skin you want to reskin inside your newly created folder. I will be using the Jedi model. Open Assets1, once again inside Models > Players. And now you search for the model you desire (jedi model for me) Put your desired reskin inside your newly created players folder so it would look like Base > Models > Players > Skinfolderhere basically in the same place you have put the _Humanoid folder. Alright. Just one more thing till we head over to the next chapter. We are going to show off our skin in Modview Start modviewClick Open and then look for the folder your skin is located atOpen the .GLM file (usually the only one visible) AND THERE IS YOUR SKIN! We will be using this program to keep track on our skin If you run windows Vista or 7, you might get crashing issue's with Modview. To fix this you will have to change the compatibility mode to XP 3: LETS PAINT! Go inside your desired skin folder and you will see ALOT of files in there...these are the files you will be reskinning. For some skins you might want to remove some unnecessary files. If you are following the tutorial exactly as i am doing (using the Jedi model) then remove all the files not referring to the standard jedi model You might want to re-open Modview after removing some parts Now open the first file you wish to reskin in your desired painting program. I will change the torso. From here you are going to let your inspiration flow and do whatever you want!!! I will make the torso white using the quick selection tool, black/white tool, and then adjusting the brightness in the variations option. Ok so you have changed something inside your model. Now you probably want to see how it looks like on your skin don't you? Alright maximize modview and then press the button shown in the below screenshot Hint: Pressing both buttons next to the red circled button, you can adjust the view http://i.imgur.com/FHXQZ.jpg Now your skin will refresh and whatever you have done to the .JPG file will be shown. Here's an example of my own edit: http://i.imgur.com/wd59G.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9XSgd.jpg Hint: To move around towards the back of the skin, simply hold your left mouse button and drag around. Alright so are you happy with what you have done? As soon as you have reskinned all the parts that you need, We will want to see it ingame!. The only problem now is that you would just have replaced the normal model so we will have to change some other files first!. Which will be explained in the next chapter. But first...lets see what i have done with my version of the Jedi. http://i.imgur.com/DMkkK.jpg 4: Ingame with it! Finally we're gonna see him ingame! After some other parts of course. We can basically just put this Jedi model into our game's folder now but that would just overwrite the original Jedi model, and i don't want that in this tutorial!. So we are going to rename him. First i want you to rename the folder where all the .JPG files are in. Use whatever name you like BUT remember the name. I will use ValisTest http://i.imgur.com/bLhDi.jpg Now go back into your skinfolder and open the Model_Default file in notepad. You will see alot of lines... http://i.imgur.com/2XBPt.jpg Now basically all you have to do is rename all the names (Jedi in my situation) into the same name you gave your skinfolder. Hint: Press CTRL+H so you can change everything in an instant http://i.imgur.com/uiR3j.jpg If you have changed the names of the JPG's. You will also have to change the names inside this file or else it won't work. Are you unsure if you did everything right? Then open Modview again select the skin and see if you get any errors, most errors come from the Model_Default file. Everything correct now? Alright! now its time to get it into the game folder. So open pakscape and make a new a new file by either going to File > New or by pressing the white paper in the top left. http://i.imgur.com/OFb2v.jpg Now you will have to do something probably already familiar to you. Make a new folder and call it Models then go inside models and call it Players. http://i.imgur.com/RSZbG.jpg Now put the folder of your newly created skin into the Players folder. And save the file as a .Pk3 Inside your Game's Base folder. http://i.imgur.com/6PcYr.jpg Alright! you got your new skin placed in your game's Base folder! now go ingame and see if it works! I will do the same! Hint: But for you it might be best to read a little bit further first I have tested my version of the skin, and it works. And if you have followed the tutorial the correct way then yours should as well BUT i suggested you shouldn't have looked yet. BECAUSE we are still missing something. Which are Icons! Normally i would've put this in 1 of the other chapters but this way you will learn more about the programs as you play around with them. So go back to the folder where you edited all your JPG's. And grab the Icon_Default. Open it in your painting program. http://i.imgur.com/HWbBW.jpg Now edit it however you like, as this will show up on the leaderboard at times. And you will be able to see it when you want to select it from your profile. http://i.imgur.com/YiXYB.jpg Now you open up pakscape, and you open your newly created skin which is located into your game's base folder Go into Models > Players > Skinfolder And put your icon in there. It could be that you already put some icon in there, so in that case just overwrite it. 5: RESULTS! ALRIGHT! now go ingame and test it! When you enter the game you can either select your skin by clicking the icon in your profile OR type /model YourSkinNameHere in your console (mine would still be ValisTest) Here are some screenshots of the skin from this tutorial. http://i.imgur.com/Pd6zs.jpg http://i.imgur.com/aL1bZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0bo33.jpg Congratulations, You have succeeded in making your own skin!. I'm looking forward to see your future work!
  5. Introduction In this tutorial we will learn about Team Support. This is a good thing to have if you wish to use your skin in modes like TFFA. 1: The Tools 2: Name Changes 3: Skinning again 4: Adding the skin + Results 1: The Tools Here's a list of tools that you will be using: Pakscape(recommend)/Ipak3/winrar/winzipModviewPhotoshop/Gimp/or any other painting programNotepad/textedit or any other text editing programDownload Pakscape Download ModView Photoshop is not a free tool and i will not give any download links of that, Gimp on the other hand is free to use and can be found here http://www.gimp.org/ I will be using photoshop in this tutorial but both photoshop and gimp work the same so it shouldn't give any issues TextEdit is an text editing tool for Mac users Ipak3 is a pk3 maker for Mac users Download iPak3 2: Name Changes By using this tutorial, i’m expecting that you used the basics tutorial which i made a while ago. Because we will be using that same skin as another example. So be sure that the same skin still is in your game’s base folder. If you removed the old files of your reskinned skin from your reskin folder. First i want you to open Pakscape and go to your game’s base folder. Open the skin.pk3 and copy the *skinname*folder back to your reskin folder (the one you created in your first tutorial). Now you should see all the old files you once created back in its old place on the workbench!. We will first start making the Blue Team Support. So what i want you to do is rename all the files. All you have to do is put _blue behind all the names you wish to edit. BUT ALSO DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE MODEL_DEFAULT INTO MODEL_BLUE, SAME GOES FOR ICON_BLUE Now that all the names have been edited. I want you to open the recently changed Model_Blue. And edit all the lines in there with _blue. If there are any parts which are not edited, do not change those lines. 3: Skinning Again Now we will reskin the reskin (see what i did there?) by changing it to something that fits well with the team support we picked. Ofcourse you are free to do what you want but we want to know wich side you are on when there’s a TFFA going on!. So….Do your thing…If you are reading this tutorial, i’m expecting you already know the basics so i don’t have to explain how to open modview and how that all works. I will change the blue team skin to something like this: (Did you notice i removed his eyebrows?) If for some reason, you can’t get the right color, best would be to grab the old file of that bodypart back from the assets1 folder. Its easier to edit from the default colors. 4: Adding the Skin + Results Alright so this time we want to see our changes in-game don’t we?! Well the first thing we have to do is put the edited files in the .pk3 of our already made skin. So what i want you to do is: Open Pakscape > Then look for your skin’s .pk3 in your base folder and open it > Go to models/players/skinname > Place the edited files in that same folder with all the other bodyparts > Save. Now it should be all good! So go test it ingame and see if it works!. This is what my blue skin looks like ingame: If you wish to also make the red team support. Its all the same as doing the blue team. And its done even quicker now that you already got the blue team ready. Just change _blue into _red(my hint will be: Search&Rename). Thanks for reading this tutorial! I hope you found this usefull
  6. Introduction In this tutorial we will learn about NPC Support. Its 1 of those things that i like as a ‘optional’ thing but the people from Jk3files seem to like it. This Tutorial will look slightly different because its really short and doesn’t need that much of an explanation. 1: The Tools Here's a list of tools that you will be using: Pakscape(recommend)/Ipak3/winrar/winzipNotepad/Wordpad/textedit/ or any other text editing programIn this Tutorial, I’m expecting you already know the basics of reskinning and already own pakscape.2: What to do The first thing you need to do is open up assets1.pk3 with PakScape. Then go to Ext_data > Npcs. There are alot of files here! I will use the Jedi.npc simply because i’ve been using the Jedi model for the past tutorials as well. So copy/paste the .npc of your choice to a place on your computer (your reskin folder would be best so you won’t lose it). Now that you have the file, open it with notepad or any other txt tool. And now you should see something like this: Most of these lines aren’t that important but play around with them if you wish. Atleast change the name ‘Jedi’ to the name of your skin!. Also don’t forget to change the sound name as well (snd,sndcombat,sndjedi) if you have different sounds than the default skin that is. The file in this tutorial is already set as if it is your ally so you don’t have to worry about it attacking you. If you wish that it becomes your enemy. Just reverse the Player and Enemy teamnames ( TEAM_PLAYER – TEAM_ENEMY ). Now that all the lines are edited, you have to save it. Name it something like *skinname*.npc (ValisTest.npc for me). Now we want to have it together with our skin itself so….Open your skin.pk3 with Pakscape and on the first screen (same place as where models is located) make a new folder called ext_data, then inside of that, make a new folder called npcs. Then put your .NPC file in there. Don’t forget to save! NOW WE WANT TO TEST IT!. So go into single player mode , activate cheats (helpusobi 1) , and spawn it! /Npc Spawn ValisTest(or whatever name you have).
  7. Introduction In this tutorial we will learn about adding sound. What is a new skin when it doesn’t even have its own set of sounds? TAKE THAT! Anyone? I'm still not that very experienced in adding sounds but i will tell you what i know. This topic will remain unlocked so we can discuss about this if needed 1: The Tools Pakscape(recommend)/Ipak3/winrar/winzipAny music/sound editing tool. Audacity would work wellIn this Tutorial, i’m expecting you already know the basics of reskinning and already own pakscape and know how everything works.2: Making the sound First you will have to figure out what you exactly want as your sound…be creative i guess? What i did was look around on youtube to find something interesting and i bumped into something from World of Warcraft where an Orc said: STOP POKING ME!. So i downloaded that youtube video as a .mp3 (not explaining this part). Whenever you have found the file you want to use. Open your music/sound editing tool and cut here and there because it must not be too long. It is still unknown to me what the maximum length is, so experiment with that if you wish. Just don’t make it 3 minutes long!. The file i use is 6 seconds after all the cutting. Also the bitrate of my file is 128kbs, you can set this in most sound editing tools but i recommend it stays this way to avoid future problems. The filesize is 95kb, i am also not sure about how big the file size can be in total of something like this. But the smaller the better because we don’t want to download a 10mb skin with 6mb sounds in it! Lets say…the file you were making was a Taunt. So you will save it as Taunt.mp3. If you made more taunts then save it as Taunt1.mp3 and another one Taunt2.mp3 (+1 each time you have a new one). Death sounds? Death1.mp3, Death2.mp3 etc 3: Time to add Lets add your newly created sounds to your skin!. Open pakscape and navigate untill you find your skin and open it. Make a new folder called: Sound Inside Sound you make a new folder called: Chars Inside Chars you make a new folder named after your skin (ValisTest for me) Inside *ValisTest* you make a new folder called: Misc And inside misc, you will place all the sounds you made! Now that you did most of the work, there’s just 1 more thing to do. If you remember the first tutorial I made, you noticed I left the Sound.cfg inside the skinfolder! At the same place all the bodyparts are located. So what i want you to do is open that in Notepad just to see if the name inside is the same as your skin. If its not then please change it or else it won’t work!. And now that i’m talking about this. This Sound.cfg is the basic version of adding sounds, if you change Jedi into Luke, then he will use the basic sounds JKA has for Luke!. 4: Testing 1 2 3 Alright! So now its time to go ingame and HEAR if it works!. So taunt spam a bit, kill yourself, etc. If for some reason you still hear: TAKE THAT! Then you might’ve done something wrong with 1 of the folders or the sound.cfg didn’t save like it should have. If everything seems fine, yet you can’t find the problem. The solution i once did was just remake it, for some reason it worked after that even tho no details changed at all. If you think you are done and don't feel like adding more sounds, remember that some parts are still opened. Lets say you added sounds for alot of things, but you didn't add any taunts. That would mean the taunts will remain as Take that!. Best solution for this if you do not wish to have any taunts, is to make a taunt.mp3 with nothing in it (hint: You can steal it from my skin(12 november 2010) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope this tutorial helped you out a little. Like i said i'm still not very experienced on this part and it still needs alot of experimenting in my eyes. If you have figured out some interesting things about something like....Bitrate...Filesize...Timelimit...Etc. This topic will remain unlocked compared to the other tutorials so you are free to post.
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