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Everything posted by Regal

  1. I just saw the cover for Vanity Fair...they all look so cool! And looks like that picture of the outfit is true @@dark_apprentice.
  2. No, definitely not me. I have zero knowledge on this kind of thing.
  3. The torso robe with the squares is...wait, okay...can someone make a thorough comparison. I got the clearest picture I could find on Kylo's new look. Is it just me, or are they the same? The tiny squares fits too, if you look closely.
  4. First of all, hi there. Sorry in advance, I'm new on this website. I have heard of it, but this is the first time I have signed up here, and the topic is regarding the new outfits of Kylo Ren from Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi. It's not in the trailer itself, but more from the new Battlefront 2 game where we see a new version (in Rey's case, a wider look) of their new outfits in the movie. This is confirmed, in case you are wondering. They named it the Last Jedi Pack. I was actually wondering if anyone on the website was going to discuss about the new look and if there were going to be any mods for Jedi Knight Jedi Academy. I am NOT a modder. I don't know the first thing about modding and I am certain 100% that I cannot draw an image in the computer, let alone a 3D model. So I was wondering if anyone would be interested to do it. I mean, I have to admit, I'm not really interested to buy the new Battlefront 2 game mainly because I don't have enough money to buy it, because I also don't have any consoles. My PC is also VERY BASIC, it can't even play KOTOR fully (the graphics glitches throughout the game, I learn to ignore it). I can't upgrade the PC because that would cost a lot of money and my parents wouldn't allow, most likely...yeah pretty sure. I can't buy a console for similar reasons, mainly the money part. Okay, moving on. We see that Kylo Ren mostly added a cape to his outfit (a theory that it could be Darth Vader's cape) without his helmet. Now for him, you can add his helmet or no helmet, add a hood or no hood. I mean overall, you're just adding a cape to the mix, so for the helmet or hood and such it is completely up to you. Although, if there is already a mod of Kylo Ren's new look and such, then please tell me. Now for the lightsaber, I know there is already a mod for it. Although I am wondering if anyone would be interested in adding another version of it. I have seen the mods with the closest details and replica of Kylo Ren's lightsaber. But I am wondering if anyone would want to make a version like in these pictures. Btw, if you do know a mod with Kylo Ren's lightsaber looking like this or similar then just tell me. I'm just interested in the aspect of having different versions of his lightsaber. Like a clean version, or the version from the movie (which to me, looks scarred or the metal looks more scrap-ish, if you get what I mean). These, to me, looks like the clean version...and I like it. I found these images in the ArtStation website. The arts are created by Lukasz Majchrzak. Btw, just to make it clear, you don't have to add in the unstable style for the blade. This is just the hilt that is being modded overall.
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