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  • Modding Interests
    Jack of all Trades
  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
  • Operating System
    WIN 10

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  1. So what's at the end of the traps and stuff within the secret tunnels?
  2. Hello all, How can I go about extracting skins from a skin pack? My friends and I run a private JA+ server and yesterday, I stumbled upon this skinpack from some incredibly talented individuals. The owner of the project gave me permission to extract whatever skins I want to use freely in my private server, but I will not be able to release them publicly without his permission. That said, I have downloaded pakscape to extract the files and modview. My question though, is how exactly I correctly extract each skin/audio file and turn them into a pk3 file? This pack comes with around 50 skins and I'd like to make a pack of 10 or so for my friends to use. Link: https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/penekepack-v1-6-2-replacement-mod-the-imperial-heroes-update.2499/page-32
  3. Hello all, I pay for a dedicated server through BlueFangSolutions and have for about a week now. The server is located in Chicago and my friends and I are located in Oregon. None of us get a super ideal ping, but for me and one friend, we rarely lag at around 75-100 ping. My girlfriend plays with us and we play on the same internet, while our friend who lives a few miles away plays on his own internet. So anyway, I haven't had any problems as far as lag goes with the server regardless of having a ping of 75-100. My girlfriend on the other hand complains about lag constantly, and in game, I'll see her character running around rooms randomly, into walls, etc - and she says that on her screen she sees herself playing normally and in a completely different area of the map. I play on ethernet while she does not because apparently Apple wasn't capable of placing a simple ****ing port on the side somewhere. We have decent internet and get about 45 MB/s down and 5 up. Any ideas on how to help me figure this out are much appreciated. I've tried the basic stuff on her laptop like: /rate 25000 - /snaps 40 - cl_maxpackets 100 Cheers
  4. Looking for map recommendations to run on my server. Would appreciate the suggestions. Cheers!
  5. Got this working as well.
  6. With the rcon command it just says "can't find _mapnamehere_.bsp" The maps in question here are called Jedi'sHomeJL_II.pk3 and ffa3.nav Cheers
  7. The nav extension map is ffa3 modded. The file is called ffa3.nav - when I try to launch this one it just takes me to plain tatooine city. Any ideas? Thanks for your help btw
  8. I've tried doing so on both a custom map with a .pk3 extension and another with an .nav extension. Is it possible that I have the maps in the wrong place? I have them in /japlus/maps
  9. I'm running JA+. Thanks
  10. How do I make it private? I was told that it would be: seta g_password "password here" or seta sv_privatePassword "password here" Neither of which are working for me. Also, how do I set it up so that players who are AFK don't take damage when paused? Thanks guys. I'm new to running servers.
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