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Posts posted by MusicForThePiano

  1. Thanks!


    In regards to the music, for example, yavin2, vjun1, and t3_rift all use the same music folder which is "yavin2" in assets0.pk3 I want to give vjun1 and t3_rift each their own music, meaning new explore/action/enter & exit combat cues for each individual level, I found dms.dat and have been playing around with it for a little. Here's some interesting stuff: 


    It's also the same for other levels, i.e.:


    t1_rail, t2_trip, t3_stamp all use the "t1_rail" music folder


    t1_sour and t3_bounty use the "t1_sour" music folder


    hoth2 / hoth3 use "hoth2" music folder


    t2_wedge and t3_hevil use "t2_wedge" music folder


    vjun2 / taspir1 / taspir2 all use the "vjun2" music folder


    the rest of the levels have their own tracks respectively


    My first goal s to give all 26 levels in JK3 their own unique level music. Too many rancor cues in all the tracks lol. How do I create new music folders in addition to editing the already existing ones? I could overwrite yavtemp2, yavin_final, alienha, yavtrial, BespinA, and ImpBaseC, all music folders from Jedi Outcast that appear in JK3's dms.dat - I have all of John Williams  Original Trilogy music broken up into small mp3 cues that can be used for explore / action/ and itnermedium tracks. It's just a matter of assigning them in a smooth and fluent manner to each levels environment. 


    Then once new ones are made, wouldn't I have to edit the maps in order to change the maps music? Or does dms.dat override which maps play which music?

    Asgarath83 likes this
  2. Noobie modder here, I've only done artistic stuff in the past, not so much script work. I have compiled together a bunch of mods in an attempt to revamp the single player of Jedi Academy completely, to make it a more immersive and enjoyable experience.


    I need direction, and I'm willing to do the work to get my vision done. I need to be able to edit the individual SP maps, in terms of NPC placement and scripted events.


    Which programs can I use for this?


    I also want to access each of the original maps coding so that I can put a different music track to each level, some single player levels overlap in terms of which tracks they use for ambience/action. They are all .bsp files.


    Is there anyone here who has edited the SP levels before or knows how to go about doing it? 


    I have experience in sound engineering, check out my youtube channel to see my Star Wars homages. 



    I will explain more later, in a hurry at the moment about to head out the door, so rushed first post, but this is a project already near completion.


    General Howard and Smoo like this
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