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    Moviebattles 2
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  1. Someone will have the model of the jedi pong krell? I would like to have that model, or the model of a besalisk, to modify it and do the general pong krell, thank you and good night
  2. Good night green, I'm working on the rex model from rebels version, when I have it ready I'll share it, it's a mixture of several models and photoshop but it looks good I hope it works, and I'll also do one of wolf version rebels and gregor
  3. Thank you very much, I do not have the blender program but I will look for it, to make the model good night
  4. Hello you will have the model in obj format, or you could tell me how to convert it to obj format
  5. xtrem1275


    Hello from Mexico, my name is Cesar Diaz, frome Mexico, I am new to the page, Looking for a model of a trooper AT DP, I found this page, to make a model on paper, which is what I do in my free time, and I started to learn a little design to modify the models to make them on paper, I hope to be Of utility and I was at your service
  6. ASHOKA TANO FROM REBELS CUSTOM MODEL Hello from Mexico, I am new to the page, and I saw your message, I have a model to modify, to make ahsoka from rebels, this is in obj format, I have not finished the lightsabers, but I hope it serves you, I attach you The download link http://www.mediafire.com/view/r72c93r22m2mxdr/ahsoka.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/file/sgv222blucjsbac/ahsoka+my+concept+star+wars+rebels.rar
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