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Posts posted by Domino5555

  1. Is it in your gamedata? Cause it's in the KOTF 2.1 Beta Zip.

    Never mind. It was deleted when Movie Battles was uninstalled.


    Anyway, I reinstalled everything, and I'm back where I started with the crashing.


    So, there's only KOTF, but I have the save glitch. So which dll files do I take out?

  2. Speaking of vehicles, I think they should be heavily optimized.


    During the days of the original KotF, although I spawned many vehicles, I really hated flying around in Singleplayer. If it would be possible to get them at least working just like in Multiplayer, that would be a huge improvement.

    Singleplayer was always like "You dare to bring a TIE-Fighter into my map? You must die!". And then, after activating the accelerator for a second, you're vehicle was the subject of a nice round of pinball.

    Yeah, I remember sucking so hard on original KOTF when it came to single-player vehicles.


    Nowadays, I ask younger-me "Sam, why do you suck so hard in this clearly balanced game" and laugh my ass off at my ten-year old incompetence.

  3. As we build up the anticipation for both Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Knights of the Force alike, I'd like to vent some of that hype by wondering all of the playable characters that will be in the next released build of KOTF. I know of the NPC list on Drive, but those are just the NPCs you can spawn, not the playable characters.

  4. DING DING DING! We have a winner!


    [Twelve hours later]


  5. I'll always reply!  :winkthumb:


    As for the game modes, if I'm understanding your question right. KOTF is a single player and multiplayer mod. So KOTF will still have capture the flag, free for all, duel, powerduel, all of those. No plans to make anything new and crazy like Moviebattles II. Rather not upstage them (especially since they're letting us use their maps and weapon models).


    Have we thought about it? Sure. But hey, it's the cruel reality of game development. You can have 100 ideas, but only a handful or two of them could actually be made, and half of them will be cut out.

    Essentially, you don't want to bite the hand that feeds you by upstaging MBII.

  6. Well we could do that but why would you play with MP bots if you will be able to spawn NPCs in SP ?

    1. I can't play SP right now.

    2. I don't know if there are actual servers for KOTF.

    3. If there are KOTF servers, I want to know where they are.

  7. So, I was on Mod DB and someone asked for some characters, there's the comment : "Can we please get Saes Rrogon as a character? or some kind of kaleesh jedi/sith? no one has made any kind of models yet its sad :("

    And maybe, I can answer to him after that I'll get some infos if you're gonna to make them or no at all. There's the link, by the way : http://www.moddb.com/mods/knights-of-the-force-21

    I'm not a modder, I'm a suggester.

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