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File Comments posted by Xaven

  1. You've done an incredible job with not just this pack, but the entire WeaponsHD project and I look forward to seeing more upgraded weapons. That said, there is a bug I've found. On Yavin, when Jaden first sees Tavion, she is holding two scepters, one in each hand, as she drains the temple. I don't know if the dual scepter wielding occurs in any other encounters with her, as I haven't gone through the whole game yet. UPDATE: I went through most of the game, before my brain caught up with me and pointed out I only had to spawn the Tavion_scepter npc. The problem is in the npc. Instead of wielding her new lightsaber in her right hand, it's another scepter instead. UPDATE 2: It's 2018 and I've reinstalled Jedi Academy, along with this mod. (My old computer died, so I had to get a new one.) This time, I took a look at the bug and tried an experiment. I deleted the npc file for Tavion from the pk3. It fixed the bug.

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