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Everything posted by cocco1960
Hi, I need help rigging some characters. I already tried to do for myself so but I really have some problems in terms of time because of my VERY limited free time . I don't know if this is the correct section but I want to do a mod like movie duels but for recreating the duels seen in this game : - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTRiH1byxzQ&t=8s The only problem I have is that I can't rig them, I have serious difficulties and I don't have free time except some hours in the weekend that I can't use for learning this. I don't know if it is a short work but if someone want to support a mod like this please let me know if you want to help me porting these models to the game I have textures and models in .obj format I already tried to do with XSI, Blender and I searched for 3ds Max 8 Version but nothing went right. So please if this work is short and you have time to waste and want to contribute in this project let me know.
Hello everyone. I'm a "new" modder for Jedi Academy and I'm trying to make a project which requires a lot of source code modification. I don't like the OpenJK code and I want to use the Raven source code. But because is very old it has a lot of incompatibility with newer versions of Visual Studio :/. How can I generate new project files for visual studio 2015? I tried the upgrade function but it didn't work :/ ITALIAN VERSION: Ciao a tutti sono un modder diciamo agli inizi sto facendo una mod abbastanza complicata che pero richeide una modifica veramente pesante al source code e non mi va di usare OpenJK che non e quello di cui ho bisogno poiche e anche progettata per mantenere un gameplay piu possibile vicino a JO e JA base mentre io devo fare anche ampie modifiche se non rifare il sistema di combattimento e anche al rendering del motore ma in modo abbastanza pesante ( lo so e un po ambizioso). Vorrei usare il codice pubblicato dalla Raven ossia quello originale ma e un probelma importarlo su visual studio 2015 poiche durante l'upgrade dei project files rimangono un sacco di problemi che mi impediscono perfino di esplorare i file all'interno dell'IDE. Volevo vedere se si poteva generare una versione piu recente di project files anche perche proprio non mi va di usare OpenJK. Vi ringrazio dell'aiuto in anticipo.
Rigging a 3d model with the humanoid gla skeleton in blender
cocco1960 replied to cocco1960's topic in Modding Assistance
Allora... Io possiedo anche 3dsMax percio non ci sarebbero problemi. Per quanto riguarda le mie abilita nel modellare ... beh allora io sto iniziando da relativamente poco percio non sono questo grande modellatore modello piu che altro oggetti di piccola dimensione. Per star iniziando e sopratutto per il poco tempo a disposizione non me la cavo male ma se devo essere sincero per gli oggetti di grossa dimensione oppure che richiedono troppi dettagli non sono bravo. In caso ti chiedessi da dove abbia preso i modelli che devo riggare beh partiamo dall'inizio .. La mod che sto facendo per Jedi Academy ricostruisce i duelli di un gioco di Star Wars cancellato e i modelli sono stati pubblicati online diciamo ma vista la mia incapacita per riggare visto che sono diciamo "nuovo" faccio fatica. Il mio problema piu grosso sono la parte del riggare per la parte di scripting non ho mai moddato per JA ma sono programmatore di mio percio magari imparo facilmente poi ho una discreta conoscenza delle variabili del motore di JA per le linee di comando. Il punto e che come modellatore non sono scarso ma diciamo che sono agli "inizi" . Qualcosa so perche diciamo che faccio level design su engine grafici come Unreal e CryEngine ma non sono un esperto dipende da cosa mi chiedi. mandami un PM con scritto di cosa hai bisogno e vedo se sono capace di realizzarlo poi se lo sono te lo mando e dimmi se sei soddisfatto. Per quanto riguarda la parte di "insegnamenti" 3dsMax lo possiedo magari lo devo installare pero lo possiedo . Poi se ti rendi disponibile ad aiutarmi inanzitutto ti ringrazio veramente e come seconda cosa non ti affretterei mai specialmente perche se una persona si rende disponibile ad aiutarmi rispetto i suoi ritmi poiche e un favore che mi sta facendo. Percio se mi aiuti a spiegarmi ti ringrazio davvero e per quanto riguarda la tua mod vedro se riesco ad aiutarti ma devi dirmi in dettaglio cosa hai bisogno per vedere se riesco a realizzarlo sono specializzato in oggetti statici piu che altro. -
Rigging a 3d model with the humanoid gla skeleton in blender
cocco1960 replied to cocco1960's topic in Modding Assistance
I'm italian and for the models here is one of them: https://mega.nz/#F!kM4DRaYB!HusFRw9JBF2kMpqMO2T2hg The model is a .obj and there is the .mtl file too. I want to rig it with the _humanoid skeleton and exporting it as .glm. By the way I know I can't learn in 3 seconds @@minilogoguy18 but I began to search for how to do it by some months because I need the knowledge for a mod I'm planning to do. I can coding and scripting but for rigging and modelling it's a totally different story. I tried for several months rigging one character and exporting it to Jedi Academy but blender give me error everytime and I tried XSI but beacuse I used only 3Ds max and Blender in my life I can't use it because it's very uncomfortable. -
I have a 3D model and I realy don't know how to rig it for jedi academy. I never have done it in my life and I seen tutorials about it but I don't understand nothing and I really can't learn to do it. Someone can help me in any way? I have the _humanoid.gla imported in blender and I tried to see if any auto-rigging plugin could help me but they use only a predefined skeleton. I saw all kind of tutorials about rigging but I don't understand what I need to do and I can't apply what they say for jedi academy. I already asked here in the forum how to do it and I tried but for a newbie in rigging and animating is difficult. If someone can explain or do something for help me importing at least one character in Jedi Academy would be helpful. After I understand how to do it with one model I can apply what I done with the remnant alone. Thanks for possible replies which I hope will be , I really want to learn modding this game and sorry for my bad english is not my primary language
I'm planning to make a mod recreating the duels of the cancelled Battlefront 3 by Free Radical. All the models or more correctly most about them are leaked but I'm really a newbie in 3d modelling and rigging. I need to rig some of the models I tried with suggestions already asked here but I can't really make this. I have the files but I thought because them are publicly relased you can take them from this pages: https://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1505237 https://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1304034 I need only the clone troopers, master ferroda , falon grey , X1 and X2 in the clone wars era and the new republic era the stormtroopers and the darktroopers (the last I saw some rigged models for JA maybe it's not necessary rig them) If someone can help me to make this I will be glad with him/her because it's a way to preserve the game and the story. The game trailer for who doesn't know is this :https://youtu.be/WTRiH1byxzQ With some gameplays : If someone can help me to make this mod entirely will be helpful because I don't know very much about modding. It's my first mod planned and I made only a few 3d models and only one finished. For scripting I can learn fast because I'm a free-time programmer. I know the basics commands of Jedi Academy in the console I know editing the config files but about modding JA and games in general I don't know anything. Only rig this models for me is very helpful other help is appreciated
Help to Converting and importing a character
cocco1960 replied to cocco1960's topic in Modding Assistance
Thanks I will try to do all this things. -
I have a .blend model I need for make a project in JA but it isn't a valid model for exporting and I don't have a big experience in modelling. Someone can say if I can connvert and how can I make valid for .glm exporting this model here: https://mega.nz/#!UUwQiBib!nFQEgSoO0yygDY4kS704JUDYP-7v8dWfgmCiPDll3To ?