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Files posted by Kyp

  1. Nyte Twilek

    Here i have another retired skin from an old clan member.Basically the skin is a twi lek with some cool " starwars realistic changes" and i added some shadow trooper armor and a neat shader for the gem on it.Theres also a version showing a bit more skin ( just type ''/model players nyte2'' into the consoleAnd sorry again for such cr@ppy screenshots and the lack of detail showing in them but its the only graphics I got to work with atm.


       (2 reviews)



  2. Dark Wanderer (Diablo inspired)

    SCREENSHOTS do not do much justice because of the shaders and also my video settings suck
    The Skin was inspired by the cover of diablo 2 box and I had an old piece of armor on my mind called
    "arcanes armor" (from diablo 1 i believe)...An old clan member of mine liked it
    so much he wanted it as his clan skin hence we have the pink one as default.
    To obtain all the skins available, use the list below.each of the two different
    versions use two different cool shaders.(and both have team colors!)Hope you all enjoy!
    type the following into the console to obtain the other skins not in the menu.
    /model snipe/red
    /model snipe/blue
    /model snipe
    /model snipe2
    /model snipe2/blue
    /model snipe2/red
    Sorry that i didnt rename the skins file name and make some icons but I havent
    been playing JA at all but this skin is so cool (i think so anyway)I figured I might
    as well upload it now before i lose it.If everyone enjoys it enough ill make an updated
    version \m/ (new sounds in next version too)


       (3 reviews)

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