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File Comments posted by jonz1232

  1. Hey there, I downloaded the file but have no idea where to go from there. I'm sure the are files that have to be moved around before I can use the saber in-game, but I'm afraid I don't know anything about modding. :( Any suggestions? I'd really appreciate it. :)

    Kylo Ren (TFA)

       13,090    21

    Hey there, I downloaded the file but not sure where to go from here. I assume there are files that have to be moved around to be able to use the skin in-game, but I'm afraid I don't know anything about modding. Could anyone help? :(


    Same thing happened with AshuraDX's lightsaber, but having the same issue: I downloaded it but have no idea where to go from there. Any suggestions? I'd really appreciate it. :)

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