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  • Gaming Specialty
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. Better late than never (me replying to this, that is)?! Thanks very much for this! I just came around to trying it out and it's very well done! Definitely gonna be a keeper!
  2. I have no experience with modeling of any sort, but I'm willing to learn.
  3. Here's another reference. I really don't know much about kitbashing and googling it doesn't really lend itself to any tutorials.
  4. I never asked for this... until now. Pardon the misquote, but I've been looking into this for a while, and while I have a model, it's meant for Source games, and I haven't the first idea how to... no other word seems to fit other than "port" even though that's kind of a shunned term. If anyone has any insight into getting my favorite video game character as a model in JKA, I'd be grateful.
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