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Spastic Chinchilla

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Posts posted by Spastic Chinchilla

  1. I'm looking for a Destroyed Jedi temple ruins map, looking to see if anyone would make it or would link me to one? I need RUINs as well.


    Ref Pics: 


    Exterior - http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/da/SackingJediTemple-Deceived.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110608010604


    Interior - http://corellianrun.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Jedi-Archives-at-the-Jedi-Temple-after-sacking-of-Coruscant.jpg

    http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/battlefront/images/2/2e/Coruscant_Jedi_Temple.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20070501235522 (Not really too lore friendly since it was a skrimish map but anyhow...)

    Thanks! Please link me to any ruins maps or anything like that! <3

  2. 2lkqxia.png




    After a .. Situation with Staffing. We're still alive regardless of what Arcadia-- "Zeros" Says.



    He was banned from the community for a number of reasons, and he has chosen to split the community apart, we'll learn from this, only hoping he'll calm down and return with a calm hand.





    Galactic Resurgence is based 250 Years ABY, after the fall of One Sith, the Galaxy was at peace, until the Imperial Alliance, lead by Darth Merciless has returned, at peace with the galaxy, the Imperial Alliance consumes the northern Regions of the galaxy in hopes of starting conflict. 





    After the Arcadia Dispute, he decided to scrap the old thread. Don't let this die folks! Come on and join us today! We have free cake!


    (To be extended later.)






  3. I sincerely apologize to all that had hoped to join Resurgence but due to Tron the Gamer, A.K.A. Spastic Chinchilla choosing to get rid of the server because we asked for him to give back root admin to all admins so we all had equal control, as well as removing our admin in response, calling us power hungry and ignoring the communities vote to elect a new 'head admin', the community is now considered dead. A new topic for a newer community will be made soon.

    Actually, lies. I never got rid of the server. It's still up and running. Arcadia.

  4. I seemed to fix it.


    /amstatus to find a player ID


    And then the/rcon lua GetEntity( entityID ):Scale( 100 ) with some editing 


    Thanks for your help! I hope your modelscales will be finished

  5. How does one find an Entity ID?


    Because when I try it with a model name and 0.85 Scale it results in

    Error: [string 'GetEntity( ahsoka ):Scale( 0.85 )']:1: attempt to index a nil value


    What am I doing wrong?

  6. I have a JPLua plugin I've been working on (slowly..) which will allow per-model scaling (reads the JA+ modelscale.cfg) with per-client (or admin-restricted) commands for scaling, server owners can also set minimum/maximum scale allowed.

    Not sure when it'll be done, but I'll try to at-least post a WIP version soon before an official release on the site.


    The JPLua system already allows scaling, so admins with amluaexec privileges can do:

    /amluaexec GetEntity( entityID ):Scale( 100 )


    Added to issue tracker to make sure it gets done.

    Do you think you can link me that when you're done? My new Server needs it and could be a good testing ground

  7. I see there is a modelscale.cfg in my Japlus server's folder, but is it also possible to add a modelscale for Admin control?

    It'd improve alot of things and make Roleplay more fluent for our server, and other servers.


    Is it possible to add?

  8. Hello Jedi Knight Hub!


     I am Spastic Chinchilla, I am a Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.

    I am an Upcoming Weapon mod maker for Jedi Academy and I wish to start here. I was apart of previous Roleplay groups(very serious, closed ones), and wish to

    make a mark here. So, let's get some things out of the way.



    Who are you?


    I'm Spastic Chinchilla! You already know that.

    I'm going to be around for a bit, but I want to start making a mark here with my Weapon Mods I want to do. I'll look around and see what I can do.



    So you want to be a modder?


    Short Answer: Yes, I do.

    Long Answer: I will use my time making these mods and taking ideas from the community. I may need help to start off so if you can give me some pointers on how to start off making these Weapons, yeah, I want to do that. -- I saw a Post on the mod requests about SWTOR Guns, so I'll try that and do my best.



    What are your hobbies?


    Well, I obviously love Star Wars if I care enough to mod it. I also like watching shows like The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Movies, and My Little pony. (If you have a problem, then you can just ignore it, I don't brag about it.)


    If you have any further questions about me, feel free to comment :)

    Bek, Raz0r, therfiles and 1 other like this
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