Someone help me, I legitimatley hate even the word "steam" and all forms of hardware. (do you know there are households that still make use of VCR players?) Could this please exist? I will pay for it but if I can't even download a pure copy of the game, how can I expect to do all these fancy maps and mods. Heck, I could buy a used hardcopy from ebay or the steam copy right this instant but I dislike hardware and steam, I am serious, lots of people hate it, look.. Now what I ask is in all seriousness, I am not trying to pirate it, is there anyone that has any leads? and if not I think that this is a fair issue for us in general, although it's probably not going to be significant as all the tricky guys will just use a crack. Anyway, is their any suggestions, I know I can just use steam, I probably will for the moment, but even in the long run I would still like to be able to open and play jedi academy without it, or require an internet connection while traveling etc.