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  1. This might help : https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Q3Map2 Are you trying to compile or decompile? For compiling in moh we use mbuilder which is a frontend for that version of q3map I believe. It comes with the Spearhead sdk. I've not used q3map2 by command line aside from a couple experiments out of curiosity. I hope that helps some. edit: Now that I think about it, check out QUARK Quake Army Knife http://quark.sourceforge.net/download_tools.php there might be something there to help.
  2. Hey thanks Szico VII, and thanks for your post at mohcentral, things are still being organized in the forums though Your ign looked real familiar when I saw it here awhile back, and you hust mentioned mohaa....didn't you used to post at http://www.modtheater.com/? I might be wrong just thought I'd ask. I also found that map back around Christmas and showed it to few and thought what is verschneit doing in jk lol At the time I found that map, I didn't realize the source was in it, I just showed them the pictures haha Don't happen to have Stadt do you lol, kiding Are you looking for any map sources in particular? Thanks again!
  3. Good afternoon JKHub. I'll do my best to not be long winded in my post. While I have all the almost every Star wars game since the early PC days, I ended up with the Medal of Honor WW2 series as my dedicated game which is also quake/radient based. Just as jkhub has it's players still creating content to keep the game alive, we do as well at mohcentral.net. As a matter of fact some of them are currently working on building a new version into the UE4 engine after obtaining some long awaited source code. I myself, and a few other mappers...the ones that are left are still trying to create new maps for our original game. We have some maps that have been ported over to our game from others over the years, but latley have been doing experiments of my own and playing with QUARK [quake army knife] and some other random utilities I hadn't realized that so many games will crossover so relatively easy and I'm working on my own version of a Star Wars server in the Moh community and have found some really nice community made maps and prefabs. After communing with a JKhub admin about some things I came to post an idea that could propel both communities with some new content. As above I mentioned I was creating a star wars based server in our community but I wanted to use maps that were known or created for a star wars game. To sum it up I was hoping any mappers or other members that may have .map source files for their own creations or decompiled sources that may not be uploaded anywhere and sitting around not doing anything would like to donate to my personal project. If in fact you have your own work and would like to immortalize your map into another game but keep your source file unreleased it will stay that way and creator of original content will be kept with the map file as well. If keeping source map quiet isn't an issue, I was going to keep it with the completed converted map so others could make a part two or something...some of the guys in our game like to take 2 or three maps and compile them into one large one lol Well what do I have to trade? First I'd like to offer the stuff I've got from other games. I've got radiant source maps I've been gathering from all over the place source maps from SOF2, elite force, FAKK2 and a few others all of which are on the net somewhere or another I've just been gathering them up, maybe for a future source map deadpool of sorts idk I'd also like to offer up our community database for your side to pull from as well, all of our source maps & prefabs should pop right in to your radiant with little effort. We've also have scripted extra gametypes like capture the toilet, freeze tag, steel the beer a firework mod for fourth of July and a few others you could probly convert over. Freeze tag is very popular. We've amassed a sizeable database for our our game here: http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/ Our main project site is here: http://www.mohcentral.net/index.php No longer fully functional purchased game exists without community written utilities, our game is now available for free download if you'd like to experiment with anything: http://mohaarevival.tk/ With a great many content sources becoming scarce or flat out drying up and disappearing I think all the older radiant communities will have to start helping one another out to freshen up content for our home games. If anyone would like to donate to my project, please pm me and thanks for your time, and I'm glad JK has lasted as well.
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