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Everything posted by Moose

  1. I actually use Blender. It's a great program and I've used it for modelling for a long time. However I recently got into animation.
  2. Thanks guys Yea, it's not perfect but it's hard animating without IK chains and stuff Unfortunately if I change the idle pose, I have to change the return poses as well, so I don't think I'll be touching that anymore. It may look a little bit unnatural and stiff, I wanted a kind of unaggressive and feminine pose.
  3. Just like the error says, you have unweighted vertexes. You can find which ones by moving your rig to the side in pose mode, whichever vertexes doesn't follow are unweighted. Watch a blender tutorial on weight painting / rigging.
  4. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nddxRdyOeyo[/media] Some character animations which makes the character hold the saber downwards like in SWTOR. Still some work to be done. Tell me what you think tho!
  5. Try to import _humanoid.gla before
  6. You can isolate the problem by removing your added head model and trying to export the GLM to see if the problem goes away. You can split the mesh by making a selection of faces and sending them to a new object (P) only to then rejoin the objects with control J. The mesh will remain split at the edge of where the objects was separated and rejoined.
  7. It has to do with your UV map. Either something isn't UV mapped or you have a seam in your UV map where the mesh is joined and you need to separate it at all the seams. The problem is in your LOD0 object (the highest quality level of detail) so basically the problem is in an object which name ends with _o
  8. Okay, I understand now! For those seeking assistance I\m gonna share my knowledge as best I can 1: Import _humanoid.gla with animations and specify start frame and animation range (These numbers can be found with modviewer) 2: insert a T-pose at frame -1 by selecting all bones and clearing pose transforms 3: modify animation 4: export GLA (I exported from frame 0 to the end of the animation, basically excluding the t-pose but I put it in there just for good pratice) 5: place GLA in the same folder as GLAmerge and the original _humanoid.gla (or whatever GLA you wanna add your animation onto) Here is the trick, GLAmerge actually add your animation last in the GLA, it doesnt override the original one so you have to change the animation.cfg to make the modified animation target a different set of keyframes in the GLA. basically, just take the start frame from the last animation in the list + the length of said animation and place it on your modified animations start frame. Next you can rename your new merged GLA file _humanoid.gla and place it in a PK3 together with the modified animations.cfg and enjoy your new animations And thanks for the help ramikad! Also, a good tip on GLAmerge is to place a bat file in it with the following code and run using the bat file: @[member='Echo'] OFF "glamerge.exe" "_humanoid.gla" "inputfile.gla" -o PAUSE EXIT
  9. Thanks for your answer! GLA merge seems like the thing I'm looking for, however I am a little bit confused as to why blender imports the keyframes and place them at frame 0 in blender regardless of which frame they are from in the GLA. That leaves no room for a T-pose frame unless I move all the keyframes. Should I just move them all forward one frame and insert a T-pose or should I place them at their actual GLA keyframe in blender prior to exporting?
  10. Hello everyone! I'm new here and I have a question regarding exporting the _humanoid.gla file with custom animations. I've imported the GLA into blender with the selected range of keyframes. So far 15068 with a range of 1 (I am trying to make a custom stance) I then pose my skeleton the way I want it (in keyframe 0 in blender, is this wrong?) and export the GLA with the following settings: Base path: D:\Games\Jedi academy\GameData\base\ GLA name: empty GLA reference: models\players\_humanoid\_humanoid.gla and when I load the game, it just crash. I'm suspecting my way of saving this GLA overwrites all the games animations and essentially gives me a blank file with only my few modified keyframes in it. So onto my question, how do I properly modify the GLA and export it? Thanks in advance, regards Moose
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