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Turquoise Dragon

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Files posted by Turquoise Dragon

  1. Korriban Zombies

    An edit of the kor1 map from singleplayer, made into a zombie map. I messed with the lighting to make it more
    tomb-ish than Raven had it. Also cut off a lot of the map for more confined play. I'm toying with the idea of
    using more of the map for an update. Added a few things to make it more gunner-freindly, too. And my usual

    Good Halloween map.


       (3 reviews)



  2. Zombie Tunnels

    My first zombie map and first map ever. The idea is a zombie game set inside an abandoned/broken down mine.
    The focus of this map is twofold. The first is to confuse the players into getting lost, to which it has
    succeeded several times. The second is to cater to a mode of zombie gameplay rarely used - running. The tunnels
    are open and without dead-ends so as to prevent people from camping and hiding effectively. That was back in
    version 1. Since then, I've added some hiding spaces and my customary crawlspaces.

    Good Halloween map.


       (4 reviews)



  3. Katrya, Cathar Jedi

    A reskin of one of the human female Jaden models to represent a character from the story I'm writing. Spent maybe a solid two weeks of work on it.
    Katrya was a Cathar Jedi of the Old Order. She became a Jedi Knight approximately 20 years before Order 66. During the Clone Wars, she served as yet another Jedi General. During that time, she became freinds with the extra-galactic Klestanis, who had been taken on as a student by her old master, and later by her. After his mysterious dissappearance about a month before Order 66, she defied her position and left to search for him. She followed the trace of his presence beyond the edge of the galaxy. She came upon his home galaxy, where she became involved in the war that was underway. During this war, a shadow copy of her was created, and she fell to the Dark Side. Under the hold of the Dark Side, she used her old allies to eliminate certain enemies to her power. She then turned on them, viewing them as more threats to her power. She was reduced to nothing more than ash by the Lehstra Cetaln Klinnal, the Master of Fire Magic. She was remembered as a herioc warrior who had served to aid their cause.
    This pack has skins for her on the light side, dark side, and her shadow. There is bot support and team skins for each variation. There is also SP support.


       (3 reviews)



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