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Turquoise Dragon

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Posts posted by Turquoise Dragon

  1. The zombie gametype is a variation on the traditional siege gametype, made automated by J3rk's ESM, but started back in the misty history of siege. Like siege, it uses classes and pits two teams against each other. One team is Zombies (zombs), while the other team is Survivors (surv). The game starts out with one (1) zombie, and everyone else as a survivior. To begin the round, the zombie selfkills (/kill in console) or changes class. After this point, if a survivor dies in any way (/kill, class change, fall, killzone, blowing self up, killed by zombie), they are automatically transferred to the zombie team. Before J3rk's mod, the player would manually change teams. The goal is fo there to be only one survivor remaining. That survivor then becomes the next first zombie and a new round begins.


    Zombies are equipped with lightsaber and force powers, occasionally with an item or two. They generally have high health. Survivors are equipped with guns and items. Minimal force powers (heal/jump/team heal) are also given to the survivor jedi class. Before j3rk's mod, zombies would be releagated to the jedi class of one team, and survivors to the gunner classes of the other team.


    Various pickups are available throughout the game. Shield, health, and ammo dispensors are often scattered across the map. Various items and weapons are also placed around. The usual weapons are the Bryar pistol, bowcaster, stun baton, fists, and lightsaber. The saber is usually in the heart of the zombie spawn, while the other weapons tend to be located within the survivor spawn areas. Common items are the E-Web turret, portable turret, forcefield, bacta canisters, holdable ammo dispensor, and holdable health dispensor, which are often scattered around the map.


    Now that's all well and good, but how do we actually play it? Well, the answer is simpler than you think - don't die. There are three distinct strategies to winning this gametype:


    1. Runner - this type of survivor relies on constantly changing position to remain away from zombies. Thus, they avoid combat. Generally advised for people who cannot use guns effectively and don't like staying in a group.


    2. Hunter - this type of survivor decides to go on the offensive. They hunt down and kill zombies. As the zombies are generally overpowered as compared to the survivors, this style is advised for people who are very good at using guns/explosives, and are willing to work in a group for maximum effectiveness.


    3. Camper - this type of survivor decides to hunker down and stay put (generally). There are two subtypes: hiders and defenders. Hiders find an out-of the way location that is out of usual line-of-sight. By avoiding detection, they can cause zombie games to last for quite a while. Defenders locate an area that is easy to defend and stay there. Oftentimes, they stay near shield/ammo/health dispensors to 'top off' after a zombie encounter. If not, they would have picked up the ammo dispensor holadable, and if in a group, the health dispensor holdable.


    See ya's serverside!

  2. What's up TQD! I'd play in this.




    Not much going on, got a few projects and such underway. Given how most of the 'issue' players have quit/moved on, you'd probably enjoy playing for once.

  3. and the bars on the cell be more...round?


    Ugh...jail cells....The main bars are round, welded into a frame made of squared-off bars. Door is made the same way. The bars that go across the round are squared-off as well and thin, like the frame.


    I hope never to have the opportunity to examine them that close again.

  4. Probably the only way to do space combat well is with a siege map, as it would complete after objectives (taking down parts of the ship) are done. Either they're very obscure siege maps that the siege community doesn't have, or they're some other gametype that's not really suited to be made into space combat, just more of flying around in space.


    Oh well. Was still fun, but that could've been just the group we had at the time.

  5. I think I've never played by choice on a server with a ping worse than 70 (except if I was forced to do so by an ESL matches against americans/russians)... Playing a fps with a ping higher than this is just awful imo.. And 300 is just unplayable

    But I wish you good luck with this event


    Okay, no prob. Everyone has their own comfort limits. Thanks.

  6. I'm not really sure if I want to play on an US-server :/ But I might come over for some matches as long as the ping doesn't get too bad.


    The ping for most Euros is usually 200-300, I think. Also depends on what part of Europe you're in. We have an aussie that gets 250-280 usually and doesn't play half-bad at it.

  7. Like minilogoguy said, there won't really be enough map space for all of that. Pushing the limitations is the siege_destroyer map. I could se a variation on its ideas being used here for a successful map.


    You want space battles, go play another game, this is the worst game to recreate this in.


    Actually, they can be quite fun. Have you played the map I mentioned above?

  8. There is currently a plan in effect for a number of us at *rS! to hang out all day on our public server Tempest on October 13th to attract more people. Just putting it out there in case anybody wants to join in. There are only base maps on this server, so there's nothing to download, no password, just join in and play.


    Once again, it'll be October 13th at Tempest. You can find it at the top of the server list (with a crapload of .... in front of it), or here:

  9. So after a brief mention during Sunday's Hydroball game, the idea hit to have a siege event/tourney. *rS! has a private siege server that we could run on, unless someone else has another private server we can use. It is located in Washington D.C., USA (east coast), has a number of custom maps, and is at the address It can also be found on the server tracker under the name "Impulse Pug - Cloud".


    Just trying to see who would like to do something like this before trying to figure out times and whatnot. Probably aim for around the same time of day as the hydroball event, but this can also be voted upon. Also, the server is passworded. If this all does come to pass, I'll PM attendees the password.


    The original idea was to play an *rS! vs. JKHub people game, but that may or may not work out depending on how well people here know the game.

  10. 1) How would the shield around the Death Star be disabled? A timer perhaps?


    2) The goal of any defending team is to slow down the offensive team, so i don't see too much of a problem there. If it comes out that the rebels always win too easily, you can always cut down the time.


    3) Yes, it would be quite big, just watch it doesn't get too big, although siege_destroyer was pretty big, too.


    4) As for destroying the rebel/imperial ships, how would that work? Would you just have to repeatedly fire on the ships until they go boom? Or would it be like siege_destroyer/batllefront and have to take out multiple little parts of the ship to destroy it? A few defensive turrets would help as well on both sides.


    5) Would it be linear or non-linear. If linear, how would you have the spawns move each time? If non-linear, the spawns would have be roughly in the center of all the objectives so as not to make some too far away to reach effectively.


    All in all, sounds real cool. We do need more space/vehicle siege maps in my opinion. Best of luck!

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