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  1. I didn't know Binny much, but I do remember him. Its really sad and to know he's gone and in this sad way too. He was maybe unhappy. I hope his family will be ok and will get plenty of support. Thanks Cyb3rst0rm for letting people know, w/e people may think or thought about him, Binny deserves to go in dignity and I'm glad there is someone like you around to make a topic for him.
  2. Hello, I was wondering if someone could make me a jka skin of the Journey Character (From the game Journey on ps3). I found out someone already extracted the model from the game here : https://www.mediafire.com/?9rc17uasdhldq I would like a skin of the original pose, the one where the character has his robe around of him, and not opened like wings. The scarf is very long, I don't mind it being cut a little bit under the place where the robe ends. I know the character doesn't have visible hands, but I don't mind having a flying saber. As for the animation, I won't mind it if its not perfect. Hope someone can help me. The skin kinda looks like this :
  3. Name : Galactic Pirates - GP Server : Forum : gpclan.net Hello JKHub Community I gladly announce you the birth of GP. I created the clan a few days ago. We have a few members right now. We use JA+ and mostly FFA. Our ranks are very pirate-esque. Our rules are very similar to the standard JKA clan rules, but we allow swearing on both our forum and server. We have a few skill based ranks, but we are not a skill based clan. We are very interested in having clan matches with other communities. People need to be 12 years old to join our clan. Our clan is quite unique. Our members can be very different from one another or outspoken, but in general, our forum and server are friendly. We all hope your visit!
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