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Posts posted by Aidor

  1. Ok, if axes aren't implemented as you say, I see the problem now.  


    Well, the old method worked quite well, and both sticks had sensitivity, not adjustable as far as I know, but it had a sensitivity curve quite good. Even for changing between walk/run, the left stick controlled it, with no need to edit nothing). And all this 'by default'.


    About MP, sure, I only use the gamepad to play SP mods, not in MP. So I'm going to stay with the old build (2014-12-15) to play SP mods, and let's see if someday axes are implemented.


    Thanks for the help ensiform.

  2. in_joystick 2 no longer exists its only 1 or 0 now, so 2 is basically same as 1.


    You need to bind the keys for buttons, and I'm not sure on the axes depending on which controller.


    Ok, I see, thanks.


    Actually my xbox360 gamepad is detected, cause I can bind some buttons to some actions, but the problem is the right stick (which should control the camera). I can bind it via in-game setting to "look up", "look down", "turn left" and "turn right", but the result is weird, with no sensitivity, like if I was using xpadder or Pinnacle.


    There should be a way to set the joystick the same way it worked before the SDL.dll implamentantion, where we just needed to plug in the joystick, and the right stick controls the camera automatically, with no need to edit any file or settings.


    Let's see if anybody knows how this new joystick input system works, cause I can't see it.

  3. Hi,


    I've downloaded the last build (build 2016-08-22 for Windows) and gamepad doesn't work. Xinput gamepad works if I use the other build I used some month ago (build 2014-12-15), but not with the last one.


    What I'm doing wrong? I've been searching here and there for a while, but with no luck.


    Thanks in advance.

  4. You can't I'd have to upload a Movie Stance Pack which I downloaded back in 2013.Besides that you can't find it anymore.


    Might you be so kind and share with us those stances...  ;)


    I have many animations for each model in my JA Game. The Reborn's have theirs, Jedi's, Sith Acolyte's, Starkiller, Yoda, Vader, Maul, etc... This is the only way. Katanamaru told me, long time ago... the secret how to make it. ;)  Katanamaru is a very nice man. :)  Since then... i maked many stances. :winkthumb:


    It would be nice if you or Katanamaru explains here that "secret"... :winkthumb:

  5. I'm actually enjoying the feedback, I'm going to probably reedo most of this model to get it perfect so the plan is on the weekend to get started, damn work gets in the way during the week.


    That's good news Jeff.  I'll keep an eye on this thread (especially on the weekend, ^_^). Lets see what you can do with this girl, :winkthumb: 

  6. It was mainly for the Katarn saberstyle. Playing through the SP campaign with saberthrow as a forcepower makes the game a bit harder too :P


    I see. Well, that's true, the game is a bit harder with saberthrow as a forcepower. But I'm using some "difficulty mods" as well (increased values in .npc files), and now the game is too much harder, not just a bit, :P Well, It's not a big deal this little "issue".


    Just one more thing: At least, is there any "name", or "command", or cvar, for the saberthrow forcepower? Just to bind it to a key. I've tried some (force_saberthrow; fp_saberthrow, .... and some more), but without lucky, :(

  7. My backhand animations have the proper hand tag location. I remember doing that since I had to reset the arms for the animations and that puts them in the correct position. 




    yeah... I've tested yours, and looks nice, with any "hands-hilt" problem. I'm going to use it when I won't use the female twilek I'm playing with right now.


    Kain's Movie Stances is probably one of the better ones but if you have to many animation mods ...


    I'll check those ones, sure. Thanks for the advice!


    The game only supports one animation mod at a time. Whichever is the lowest alphabetically is the one it will use. You can't use multiple.


    yeah, I figured out about this... I guess cause all animation files has always the same "file name" (inside the pk3 file, of course).

  8. Well... I've been searching and trying to "define" that Button_saberthrow with no lucky... I guess it's something to change in "code/qcommon/q_shared.h", but I don't know where this file is (actually, it's a "file"?) and how to change it...


    In addition, I would like to know and be sure if katarn saberstyle is the only "advantatge" of having saberthrow as a force power. Maybe I'm (we are) losing something...

  9. I've been thinking about changing the pants and maybe I'll look into the face. Thanks for the suggestions.


    Thanks to you for considering my suggestions. I'm not a moder at all, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt.
    Just something I forgot: if you are going in deep with this work changing the model (and not just the skin), in addition to the pants and face, you could change a little the tentacles: make it a little more thicker where the tentacles begins and a little more shorter, but just a little, as you can see in any Hera's picture.
    Concerning changing the face, you could start making a bigger eyes. That would do the trick. And then work and adapt the rest of the face to those bigger eyes (and I think it just needs to "adapt" very little, cause the rest of the current face is quite a lot close to Hera).
    Well... I'm going to keep playing my SP campaign with this nice Hera model. I love this "pilot clothing style", and those colours... green, orange and brown, are just perfect to my taste,  :winkthumb:  Keep on this good work, Jeff!
    Jeff likes this
  10. Thanks and Hera has been approved


    yeah, I've already downloaded Hera and its just perfect, :winkthumb: May it can be done a little more work on it to make it look a little closer to the aspect that Hera has in the cartoon show (maybe... such as slightly wider pants, or some little changes in her face), but as a version of the JK Hera is almost perfect.


    The same with Sabine (I realize now that you included a non-helmet version), which body is perfect and just needs some work on the face. But, if I'm going to use Sabine, I'll use the helmet versión one, so I'm happy with it, ^_^


    Thanks for the work and for shearing it!

    Jeff likes this
  11. Maybe, it's due to katarn saberstyle with bryar altattack.


    yeah, that's what I finally thought... but even this, I still can't see the "advantage", because katarn saberstyle is not what I usually use (and well, I'm talking about my taste, of course, I don't know if katarn's saberstyle is usually used by other people).


    Maybe there is a way to disable this feature... let's wait to redsaurus or someone else if they know a way.

  12. yeah, I see what you mean katanamaru, and I noticed this issue with the vanilla stances too, as you say. I guess that that is why Circa has done this mod a few days ago: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2201-fixed-saber-hilts/


    But maybe in some custom stances this issue is more noticiable than in the vanilla ones, don't you think? (right now, I don't remember how looks your backhand stances with this little hand-hilt issue... I'm going to check it.


    About your plans to get back into animating, well, let's see if someone does what you are waiting for.

  13. Yeah, like DrXann says, all of them would be nice. But I understand that you may have not finished them. For now, I'd be happy with the 3 that you have in your profile picture. The Kanan one I already have it from your Kanan's topic, so if you can share the Hera and Sabine models it would be nice (even if they aren't finished yet...),  :rolleyes:


    Thanks in advance!

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