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  1. Basically, I found https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/8633-sfx-sabers/, but it's closed for replies. Really all I'm after is a version of OpenJK and OpenJO (Single-player) that have the SFX Sabers in them, which is definitely possible as shown by the video in the first post here: https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/9306-sfx-sabers/. I saw the whole thing about copy and pasting the green parts of that code and deleting the red parts in order to get an OpenJK build with just the SFX Sabers added! So I decided to try it out. Compiling just the standard git (https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK) worked fine after some trial and error, I've now got OpenJK and OpenJO. But the issue is when I do the copy and pasting and add the SFX Sabers code in. Particularly because I have no idea what to copy over and what to delete in the Jedi Outcast (codeJK2(?)) files. I tried it with the commit linked in that thread (this one: https://github.com/redsaurus/OpenJK/commit/b8395731cce1672c5f69d20e065a541eaad59d2d) and then when it came to using Visual Studio, I got a whole load of errors. Then I found AJL's SFX Sabers code, which is what I assume this is all based on, and figured I'd try to edit that in instead. Look at alllll these errors: https://imgur.com/a/GHVwfLG. I am not a coder, I have absolutely no clue what I've done and how to fix it. If anyone could point me in the right direction at all, particularly since I can't find any word on how to get SFX sabers into JO, that'd be great. Thanks in advance! EDIT: I think I found the relevant commits from the JKEnhanced for both JA and JO, but, once again, I have no idea which bits of code are needed and which aren't. https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK/commit/2d30fcebfa1951ba71ac673c3eaa63bf2c28c84f https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK/commit/c64a1678ba80839b4ae26e283d6d72637e8f484f https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK/commit/72aedcc7b3c5a78bf6831ced67fb76ec9fa95e24 https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK/commit/4962e05bc5626bb5a5c61a28b9ca9c72b9090da9. If anyone could just give me any hints at all as to what to do in order to get SFX sabers in both JA and JO, I'd be eternally grateful! EDIT 2: Okay, I finally managed to compile JKEnhanced for both Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast (here https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK). All it involved was manually updating this commit from OpenJK: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/commit/8367be079cfb8a288152fb093b651cc2c6a56109. The SFX Sabers in that compile actually aren't bugged for Jedi Outcast so my problem at least is pretty much fixed! All it takes to get them running is the extra files (the PK3s and stuff) from here https://www.moddb.com/mods/jedi-academy-enhanced and here https://jkhub.org/files/file/2877-jedi-knight-ii-enhanced/. However, from a quality of life viewpoint, my question still stands. I'd still love for a build of OpenJK and OpenJO with just the SFX Sabers added, and I'd even be interested in maintaining that as a fork of OpenJK for others who want just that extra feature. I personally won't be using any of the extra force powers, etc from JKEnhanced. Though it's not urgent any more, any word on exactly what code I'd need to copy would still be massively appreciated! Thank you!
  2. Hey, I saw that video in the first post working in Jedi Outcast and I was just wondering how that was possible? I can get it working in Jedi Academy perfectly using the JKE mod, looks just like the video. Great. But for Jedi Outcast I'm clueless. I've looked for the required mods and executables for JK2 and so far all I've found was that it was included in Jedi Knight II: Enhanced. (This is the one I've downloaded and am using here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2877-jedi-knight-ii-enhanced/) However, the SFX Sabers just... aren't working. They look a little better stationary, sure, but in motion the vanilla blur is there. Not to mention there seems to be this bubble of light coming from the tip. I don't have any mods in my base folder whatsoever, I took them all out for troubleshooting this issue. Here's a video of it in action: https://streamable.com/ijuu7 Would I need to compile a version of OpenJO with the code added in, a version of JK:E but for JO, or am I just missing a few other files? 100% clueless here. Really the end result I'm looking for would just be a way for me to use SFX sabers in Jedi Outcast, no matter whether it's just vanilla or with the other enhanced features. Just something without that blur! Thanks in advance EDIT: Ok, I think I am a dummy. I have now stumbled upon this: https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK/tree/master/codeJK2. I just have no idea how to compile this into something I can actually launch (or if it's even any different from what I'm already using, the alpha version of whatever.) If someone could just point me in the right direction I'd be eternally grateful! EDIT 2: Moved over here: https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/11431-sfx-sabers-in-openjk-and-openjo-help/.
  3. Version 1.01


    This is a modification for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. by Furygun81 If you've ever spawned Luke npc in Jedi Academy, you'll notice he's silent. This mod fixes all of that. The sounds are lifted from Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, and are recorded by the same voice actor (Bob Bergen) so they should fit in reasonably well. As such, there's no background music in them like sound lifted from the movies! This gives the single player npc many more sounds, and it also has an effect on the multiplayer game. Luke's taunt: "You are now at one with the Force," becomes: "Your overconfidence is your weakness." Name: LukeNewSounds.zip Size: 4.24 MB Readme is included in the zip. TO INSTALL: Place the .pk3 file into your GameData/base directory. Read the readme for full instructions.
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