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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgE1REz4N88 WARNING, EXTREME CONDESCENSION UP AHEAD. I WROTE THIS AT 5 AM. Hello, this is Bavack and Sate Tarin here. We have a roleplaying community we really want to make happen but we need activity on the server and support. We are currently building our forums but we won't really need forums that badly for what this is, past application services, recommended downloads and basic discussion boards. Me and Sate Tarin have been playing Jedi Academy for almost a decade, and have been friends literally ever since we first got the game on Xbox 7 years ago. We met on here, and we never truly got off, even when they shut the servers down they had up for the Xbox version. As soon as that happened, we went and got the PC version, and never looked back. I've been in several Roleplaying clans, ::JEDI::, DAJ, whatever. You name it. I've been in mostly every single recent big role-playing clan past like, Knightfall and the RPG servers. I've seen the worst, I know the worst, I've helped prevent some of the worst. I'm seasoned, I'm intelligent, and so is Sate. We both know what it takes to make a good role-playing group, because we know exactly what it's like to be apart of a bad one. To start off, we have done away with typical ranking. We find this generates envy, and is the pure cause of nearly all breaks. People crave power, more or less immediate power. And so they seduce clans to split in order to achieve like, a Knight status or whatever the case may be, overnight. Rather than making people wait like 2 weeks of being super active on a admin-abandoned RP server, rehashing your story to every newcomer or every new face until you want to lodge a premium CD of "Darude - Sandstorm" down your throat, we've decided that our admittance and application process takes 1 day. "1 day?!" you say? "What? What does that mean? How will we know if they are dedicated to our server omgzor?!" Well it's simple, Jennifer. You see people have lives, but they also like to immerse themselves into separate ones every now and then. It's normal. We all do it, some of us, like me and Sate in particular, simply have a passion for it. We get that nobody likes pretending to be a 5 year old. We get that. We get that most people don't like having to spend and dedicate half of their day/month in a temple where the walls never change and the Jedi never stop being cryptic. That's why we're doing away with all of it. Absolutely all of that. The second you're accepted, you get your saber. You don't have to RP as little billy who's mother and father were just killed by Force Sensitive Rancors and that you are the soul survivor because in the hectic chaos and terror, your Force Sensitivity had awoken and you like, idk, you like lifted a rock or something. So now, you're over here, because some Zelosian Fertilization Plant Surpivisor named Grezz Oldakk on Zelos II bought you off a slave trader and took you to Coruscant or wherever the Council decides they want to set up base. You wanna be an older guy who's cut ties with Force? Wanna be a smuggler who felt a tickle in his pants and followed over to our temple? That's fine. Do that. We honestly do not mind. At all. Please don't be a Billy. There is no ridiculously drawn out timeline that no one will read. There is no incredibly boring political debates for the Council to be had. You don't have to pretend you give two Bantha Fodders about Justin's dead master that you never met. You don't have to pretend you don't know what the Force is, or what the Jedi Code is, because honestly we don't know what the Force it is, anyways. We just want, for once in our Roleplaying depraved lives, to live out some interesting Imperial vs Rebel action, without the added drama of Caroline lip-locking with Justin in his time of need. We want for once in our lives, to not have to make these ridiculously new characters in every server, with their own back stories that we spend so much time fleshing out and nobody takes the time to read, as if everyone has this "bad-screenplay" complex, and assume everything that isn't written about their character is redundant. We want an experience where the player's interactions with one another drastically can change the outcome of a situation, be it good or bad. We want to experience a Grey Jedi Order with teachings and etiquette that are in shambles, whilst also exploring the fun aspect of being hunted down by the Empire. Come on, who doesn't like killing stormtroopers? Maybe stormtroopers. But that's ok, we will kill them, too. We will kill all of them. If you want to know more about our server, our setting, our storyline, or whatever happened to me to make me hate the vast majority of RP servers, please email us at innerwarorder@aol.com. Our server is in maintanence atm because of Jeff (This really fat guy. He's trying really hard to not do his job right now.) BUT our ip is: I'm going to sleep. I really actually want this to get seen though. It's not that I'm not professional or that we aren't serious about the future of this endeavor, but I think I have four noses right now. Oop, now 5. Please email us if you're interested.
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