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  1. In these two videos are the most important things for single and staff (in my opinion). If someone meets a newcomer, you can link him this video =) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DssUQYqmC8g
  2. That are all bugged jumps with red, that I know. Thanks berserker from emp for teaching me some of these jumps =)
  3. This is the youtube part of our sabering guide for beginners
  4. nvm, found it
  5. Hey guys I would really like to know, from when to when dureal was #1 in 1v1 esl and how many wins and loses he had. Thanks in advance!
  6. Missunderstandings can happen, especially to FF/lugormod players. You see, attacking someone on JoF server, who doesn't wish to be attacked, is laming and against the rules (even if his lightsaber is ignited). Some might have an impression, that admins abuse their admin powers to have fun, but in reality they put their time and effort to keeping a peaceful and comfortable for most of people environment without laming. In fact, I don't know a single troll or bully in JoF. JoFA trials often last three weeks or sometimes even longer. During all this time adepts are being observed, many JoF members write reviews on them and rate them, instructor (recruiting) team discusses adepts and sends a report to low council. LC reads the report, reads the reviews and afterwards discusses adepts on a LC meeting. Only after this whole procedure an adept can be accepted into the clan and recieve the initiate rank. You can believe me, there is only a low chance of a poorly mannered person to get into the clan.
  7. When I have been told, that there are skilled players in JoF, at first I didn't believe in it because of the well known cliche "skill is only in base". I started visiting JoF server more often and in a while I met JoF teachers, which are really amazing players. They proved to me, how deep ja+ mp sabering is and how much there is to learn. After you reach a certain rank in JoF or achieve scout title, you can request a personal teacher in one of the lightsaber forms (fighting styles): shii cho, soresu, djem so, niman, shien or jar'kai. Those, who have chosen a form, follow simple rules to learn as fast as possible. Another reason to join JoF is the community: you can chill here, you can make friends, participate in events and just have a good time. Visit our website http://jofacademy.eu and our server to find out more by yourself
  8. oh god so many demos, thats great, thank you very much
  9. thanks a lot
  10. Hello folks, I am a new player, learning single and staff, I'd like to know if anybody has any demos with good singlers/staffers. It would be cool, if someone would share something, my skype is blessedskill
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