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    Running, Star Wars, Reading, Videogames

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  1. Hello! I have looked up the error I am getting but to no avail am I able to figure out the issue. I am getting the following errors in my log when I load JA++ mod using OpenJK. I followed the exact install instructions for both on each website. I am using the Steam version as I thought maybe using the CD version on Windows 11 was the issue (I normally install via CD) You can see my log with the error that loads in JA++ When I do load into a server and try to access the saber menu, I get the following error pop up I also notice the in-game menus for OpenJK are all buggy with things being off center or overlapping on the first 3 submenus (Game, GAM/HUD and HUD/CAM) in setup and then nothing loading for the other 3 (CAM/ADV, GFX/IN and SND/MP) Everything works as it should with the base game installed and running AND when I install JA++, everything works including the saber menu while in a server so it seems to be when I installed OpenJK Any ideas how to fix this?
  2. (JAWA), KR, EK, AZ, Awesome
  3. Welcome to JKHub Tao!
  4. Im in! idk wht it is but sounds fun!
  5. o gawd not NEO lol wlecome Neo
  6. Welcome to JKHub Veilor and if i haven't said before gl on ur trial in our clan
  7. Hello people of JKHub some of you know me (like SiLink and Caelum) and some do not know me I am STARKILLER I started out with Jedi Outcast for the Gamecube and when I came to JKA i was like WHOAH! I have been playing JKA for bout a year or so now and have been in the (JAWA) clan for bout a year now. I hope you guys who play the game stop by and also check out any other servers this site has available for you to see. Hope to see great improvements and what not on this site!
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