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Files posted by BruceJohnJenner

  1. Jedi Academy: Korriban Music Replacement

    When I recently played through the Jedi Academy single player game, I noticed that the music kinda seemed off for the mood. Specifically, the action music taken from the Rancor scenes in Episode VI always felt really repetitive, and the developers didnt seem to make very good use of having two sets of music for the light and dark side paths of the story (Both branches for korriban light side and dark side in the base PK3s sound pretty much the same when you listen to them). So, in order to fix this, I decided to create a PK3 with in-game music files taken from other parts of the game, and the music in Jedi Outcast, that overwrites the music files in the default assets. The basic goal behind this project was to create a new set of music files that fit the game situation better, and that also gives the dark and light side branches music that fits each one better.


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