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Posts posted by Boothand

  1. Yeah well, I understand them enough to never copy one without research. But some things seem very inconsistent when combining with other methods, thus creating a lot of experimentation even when it contradicts my sense of logic :D


    But be sure to tell me if you make a tutorial, or if you have any other references I could use to make it. Or if it's easy to do but hard to explain, I could just observe instead if you have an example pk3 or so.




    Either way, too bad it's so unsupported, as I had great ambitions with terrain blending and the likes. At least I can still make good use of decals with the all-or-nothing method.

  2. What kind of nolightmap shader do you mean? (Special, as in one for every texture it lies upon?)

    Would it defeat the purpose of having decals in the first place (opposed to making different versions of textures you already have, and gaining map size)?


    If it's not either of these, couldn't it just be a stage in the shader to cancel out the transparent areas being lit twice? That said, I didn't quite understand what you meant by changing the texture coordinates seperately.


    Either way, could you give an example? :D

  3. After trying all I can think of and some more, I can't seem to simply fade in a decal I'm making, while keeping it lightmapped.


    In-game what is showing up is the brightest area of the alpha channel, I think. It is at least a hard round border, instead of a faded one.




    	qer_editorimage textures/Bootland/terrain_decal1.tga
    	surfaceparm	nonsolid
    	map textures/Bootland/terrain_decal1
    	alphaFunc GT0
    	map $lightmap
    	rgbGen identity
    	blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
    	depthFunc equal


    Decal: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/terrain_decal1.jpg

    Alpha channel: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/alphachannel.jpg


    In-game: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/shot0055.jpg (placed upon an irrelevant mud texture for clarity)


    With blendFunc blend in the first stage: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/shot0056.jpg


    with alphaFunc GE128: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/shot0057.jpg


    How would I do this?

  4. If you have two questions, I suggest making two topics so it doesn't get confusing.


    Is the func_train question for SP? In that case I recommend just scripting it instead.


    Yeah, I'm sorry about that :D I have already posted so many topics lying around, and it feels a bit uncomfortable pushing all my questions (they are many) onto the forums. The mapping section in lucasforums is just a wasteland of old unresolved threads of mine, as an example...


    Yeah, I forgot to specify I'm mapping for multiplayer. Everything would have been so much easier in singleplayer...



    1. Func_train ,One of the most important thing is making func_train origin brush. You actually made it by creating square brush with system/origin shader on your func_train center. You must have all func_train brushes, patches etc +origin brush created as one entity to work properly. You have to create func_train paths with path_corner entity, just create your paths by connecting multiple path_corner entities with ctrl+k shortcut. Func_train------>path_corner--->path_corner---->path_corner etc. etc.


    2. Try this shader it should work correctly.





    qer_editorimage textures/Foldername/texturename

    surfaceparm noimpact

    surfaceparm nomarks

    surfaceparm nonsolid


    cull twosided

    deformVertexes wave 10 sin 0 0.8 0.5 0.4


    map textures/Foldername/texturename

    alphaFunc GE192





    You resolved my shader problem! Thank you! I wasn't aware you could use 192. I thought 128 was max. Now that I try with 128, that works equally well though.


    As for the train - with or without the origin, the problem remains the same. It spawns at the center of the map (at least in multiplayer).


    Step by step:

    1. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/train1.jpg (door + origin becomes a train)

    2. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/train2.jpg (I make the path corners and connect them - train > path > path)

    3. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/train3.jpg (I make a trigger to toggle the train going up and down)

    4. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/train4.jpg (I compile, and train spawns at center coords of map)

    5. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/train5.jpg (I click the trigger and train goes from path1 to path2 and is now ready to be toggled by the trigger).


    This is why I'm trying to work around it - all I need is a way to make two valid triggerings from worldspawn. That would set the door to its correct position. Hope that clears it up!

  5. 1. As some may have noticed, func_trains in JK2 are very bugged. If you want them to be togglable (using a trigger), you cannot connect the last waypoint back to the first one, or else it will always run (using a trigger then will make it bug and teleport between the points). To make it togglable, the setup looks like this:


    trigger_multiple > func_train > point1 > point2.


    This will cause the train to spawn in the (0 0 0) center of the map. It will work once you use the trigger, but it will move from point1 to point2. The train has no origin brush, but having one causes even more problems.


    Workaround: A trigger_always (runs targets on worldspawn) connected to a target_relay which triggers the func_train. So when the map starts, the train starts moving, so that it's not stuck in the center of the map. However, I need to make it (almost) immediately be triggered a second time, so that it moves back towards point1. During testing, it works using a trigger manually with use button (it does not need to reach point2 before going back to point1, but has a 500 ms delay between triggerings or so).


    What I've tried: Trigger_always > > target_relay & target_delay (target_delay has wait value of 2000) > > func_train > point1 > point2.


    Target_delays seem not to work at all, not even when triggered manually. Unless there is a way to set a delay for the relay (rhymes not indenday), I don't know how I should make the func_train go back to point1.


    Ultimately what I want to achieve is just to get the train to spawn in its starting position as it's supposed to.





    2. I have made a plant, with alpha channels. It looks good in-game, but when putting two next to each other, one of them keep flipping "infront" of the others, in a way. Here's the shader:


    	qer_editorimage textures/Bootland/sapling1.tga
    	cull	disable
    	surfaceparm	nonsolid
    	// <div> <func> <base> <amplitude> <phase> <freq>
    	deformVertexes wave 10 sin 0 0.8 0.5 0.4
    	map textures/Bootland/sapling1.tga
    	alphafunc GT0

    Removing the blendfunc altogether makes it cellshaded and looks messy on a distance (however fixes the fighting issue).

    Here's a video showing the problem: http://no.twitch.tv/boothand/c/3087720 (what I said about there being a problem on my other computer, about the hanging sign - was incorrect. The problem has solved itself. I do however still need help with the bugging sprites (the chains) above the sign - which I have another thread for).


    Any ideas?

  6. I've been trying to do this for many hours... I'm quite close, but something really weird is going on.


    I have a chains.tga I've made myself, and want to use it as a sprite (autosprite2).


    Here is the shader:


    	qer_editorimage textures/Bootland/chains.tga
    	deformVertexes autosprite2
    	map textures/Bootland/chains
    	alphaFunc GT0
    	rgbGen identity

    Problem: The sprite's texture twists and breaks off in a way, if I'm using a simple patch mesh (in-game).


    Here are some pictures to show what happens.



    In this picture, you see the chain to the left, a patch mesh. To the right is a sprite on an ordinary square brush. It has nodraw on the other sides but the front. This sprite doesn't follow the camera 360 degrees around, but stops after 180. The patch mesh follows all the way, but remains bugged.



    Here is a big match mesh with the same sprite, just in case it makes it clearer.

    That's supposed to be straight, and whole.


  7. I've been trying to create a corridor where I want the lighting to be completely even. I've tried to do this by using light-emitting shaders, such as this:


    	qer_editorimage textures/Bootland/bricks2.tga
    	q3map_lightimage textures/Bootland/bricks2.tga
    	q3map_surfaceLight 30
    	map $lightmap
    	rgbGen identity
    	map textures/Bootland/bricks2
    	blendFunc filter
    	rgbGen identity

    It does, however, not become even. Some areas of the wall are dark, some have round bright spots, as if a light was placed randomly around.




    Does anyone know a way to fix this?

  8. Onysfx, haha would love that. Zelda (and mario with the never-ending stairs) had some great concepts.


    Zack!!!!! You've brought me back in business. The roll did the trick. As for the patch mesh, I have tried that a couple of times, but it leaks the mirror it seems. For now I'll just use a clip (patch mesh) to hold the player in.


    When trying it out in game after doing the roll-parameter, I actually scared myself. Like, I got chills, surprised by how it worked. Still need a few tweaks, but expect a little pk3 showcase of it for those who play JK2 here... soon enough!



  9. You mean a window-like reflection of a room? (As in, a jpg texture of what I want to reflect).


    eezstreet - I'll look up tcgen environment!


    What I'm creating is a sort of paradox in a corridor, where you walk through a mirror which is invisible on one side (but you can't walk back), and shows a reflection of the corridor if you try to go back. A reflection, as if the path had actually changed and going back would appear to be the same way as going onward.


    I've made a slight alteration in the idea though. I want to repeat this effect with two mirrors facing each other (from some distance). Don't worry, I'm aware that mirrors can't mirror other mirrors in this game. But I'm making a work-around using cameras. I have run into a new problem though (and quite silly it is).




    The camera the portal surface is pointing to shows the world up-side down. I tried using one earlier in a different part of the map, and it was normal.

    What I ultimately want to achieve is to have the camera in the height that makes it look exactly like the textures on the wall (etc) repeats along the camera view.

    Onysfx likes this
  10. You can't edit out the saber in JK2 without a serverside mod. It's not exactly difficult to do though (find all references to WP_SABER in g_client.c and remove any sort of assignment to ent->client->ps.weapon and ent->client->ps.stats[sTAT_WEAPONS])


    Remove as in, delete the entire line (will mess up the holy coding system I suppose)?


    if (other->client->ps.stats[sTAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_SABER))


    For example, what do I do with this?


    And where do I put the modified .c file when I'm done?

  11. JK2 does not have .sab files, they are new to JA.

    Likewise, weapons.dat does not work in MP, it's SP only. Editing it like that anyway would cause the game to do all kinds of funky things (probably crash when you get into an ATST i'd imagine)


    The reason that g_weapondisable does not work like it does in JA, is because WP_MELEE does not exist in JK2. What you need to be doing is:

    g_weaponDisable 4

    On top of disabling all of the force powers.


    Yeah, it seems like the right thing to do, but it's what I've been doing all the time. g_weapondisable 4 + map_restart (or even a whole map reset) simply "prefers" the blaster, in a way. You spawn with the blaster in the hand, but the saber is still there, and most of the bots prefer sabers.


    It's just annoying that it's not an option in the Create server section, since it's so enginally (...right?) possible.

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