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Posts posted by Buz

  1. Hey guys


    So I've made sabers for myself in the past, but I've been getting back into JKA modding lately (whenever you leave it, you always find yourself coming back) and need help with getting this saber to work. I was wondering if I could get some personal assistance from someone that I can either work with through PM's, Skype,  Steam, or through my Teamspeak server. The first issue I was having was md3view saying I had too many verts or faces (can't remember the error exactly). No matter how many different parts I split the saber into, I kept running into this same issue. I made the saber from scratch on my own and have run a vert / face check on it and I believe it's only around 1k, maybe less now that I've cleaned it up. 


    I hate having to keep redo the UVW mapping just to get this damn thing to work. On top of that, I have issues importing the .skin file into md3view. So I'm kind of a mess that's all over the place. I'm not sure if it's a Win 10 issue or if I'm doing something wrong. I was hoping someone could look at my saber (giggity) and tell me if there's a problem with it, or if the problem is on my end. If it's on my end, I was hoping someone could do the md3view steps for me so I can get on with my life. 


    I don't like starting projects and not finishing them.


    If anyone's interested in helping me, I look forward to hearing your response. 




    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  2. I got an interesting suggestion from my friend Kidd. The ability to take someone else's comm with their permission and place it somewhere else, and anyone around where the comm is placed will be able to hear the other end. I'll be working on this along with improving the distance based chat and such. Tonight if an RP happens, I'll try to record it a bit to demonstrate the features in the mod so far.


    There was an Rp that night. Where the hell were you!? lol

  3. newagebannernew.png


    New Age RPG is a friendly, fun, semi-strict roleplay community set around 430ABY (After the Battle of Yavin).

    We are always looking for new or experienced roleplayers to join!


    Home of OpenRP!


    Before OpenRP is released to the public, it is used on NARP servers and updated (server-side) constantly thanks to feedback and thoughts from

    our members.




    Four-hundred years have passed since the destruction of the deathstar and return of the once-forgotten Jedi. The Galaxy has changed.

    The Jedi are a small group now and are considered enemies to the Union, the newly-reformed Republic. But little do they know of

    the threat that lurks in the shadows, waiting to be unleashed once again.

    In a world filled with Space-Pirates,Smugglers, corrupted diplomats, bounty hunters, Mandalorians, and a secret Sith Order,

    it is up to you to decide your role in the Galaxy.


    How To Join?

    All you need to do is create an application on the forums and get approved by an administrator!







    Teamspeak server -






  4. -For players speaking, what about the text appearing over their heads? (Well maybe not, people may get confused who is saying what if everyone is gathered in one place)

    We were definitely thinking about implementing something similar. Another idea we had was to have the names of people be above their heads, kind of like an MMO.


    -If the player X is using a comm to contact player Y, other players around player X should be able to hear him talking, but not player Y.

    This feature will be added definitely.


    -Ability to adjust your saber strength and length. (with certain restrictions of course)

    We discussed about this just the other day actually. We're going to have a training lightsaber setting (makes it do less damage)


    -This one probably shouldn't be included but....make it so if mercs want to buy weapons, they actually have to go to the shop in a map to buy them.

    At the moment this feature seems complex and a bit over our heads. But its been talked about and its a feature we want to do. We were thinking about spawning a kiosk that works as an interactive menu or something of the sort.


    -Make it so players have to *can* talk to an npc to buy weapons from them. (Then admins can decide where they want the npcs)

    Same as above


    -Make a cvar that allows admins to decide whether players are forced to login to play, or can just can spend there points on feats,gunnery,etc. (For those who want to play the mod, but not RP, for whatever reason)To be fair it is called OpenRP. Right now you make an account such as 'Buz' and give it a password such as 'jkhubfanboy199' and create characters linked to such account by doing /createcharacter tk421 no(asks if force sensitive) none(asks what faction) and dink around with the points by doing /giveskillpoints tk421 999


    -Make entities pushable, pullable, gripable, etc.

    Throwable stuff does this for us but I'm sure making more wouldnt be too difficult?


    -Have the ability to speak quietly in chat or loudly. (Not sure about this one, but you never know!)

    We have a /yell and /whisper command that changes the hear distance


    -When targeting a player, have to ability to use a command which tells you their player model, level, etc. (Modifiable by admin)

    We have something similar called characterinfo which displays all of that information including their rank, faction, credits, level, amount of exp


    -I hope you can make the mod playable solo without running a server, because...well that's another story, but please make it playable solo game!!!

    You should be able to play it solo. The database is pretty much a file the game generates. We have the other Jk community in mind for this mod, we don't plan on making it exclusive to New Age RPG


    @@Caelum - We have mercs set to jump 0 which is obviously a pretty small jump. I agree, I love good firefights and thats something you cant get with JA+ or base JA. We are aiming to make our gunning work similar to MovieBattles (because lets face it, gunfights in MB2 are pretty badass)

  5. So I have 4 target_speakers in this cool duel waterfall-ish outside area but the target_speaker's dont seem to play any sound. But here's the kicker, when I noclip into a brush nearby where the speakers are located, I hear them playing the sounds fine. So I figured it had something to do with the room. I've looked around for leaks, errors or something out of the ordinary but nothing. Map builds fine with no leaks, so I have no idea.


    Anyone got any suggestions or ideas?

  6. I think the textures he is trying to edit are RGB textures. In Photoshop or Gimp apply a black or white (I usually do black) layer under the texture's layer and the "missing" part should appear. I see the same instances happen with laam's mandalorians. The game renders it fine but in image editing programs they appear to be transparent or missing. Hope this helps.

  7. ERROR:safe_malloc failed on allocation of <hugenumber> bytes


    I've googled the error many many times. Each time I get somewhat of a different answer. I know it's because I've ran out of memory.


    I also know it can be caused by too many lights. So i've deleted quite a few and still got the error. I've set all necessary brushes to detail brushes and everything but still get the error. I'm running GTK Radiant 1.5, I still have yet to try compiling it in 1.4...


    Any suggestions would be helpful. Right now all I can think about doing is testing it in 1.4 or deleting all of my lights and seeing what happens when I compile, lol.


    EDIT: I deleted all my lights and re-added new ones (tried to keep the number of lights slim) but I still get the same error.


    Actually, RPMod offers the ability to have accounts for more then Jedi, its simply a matter that those accounts aren't often made.

    Mainly because we don't have a lot of Bounty Hunters or the like running around, but if there were, the accounts would be there. :P


    The only problem with this is RPmod is strictly for the clan JEDI and not for others. If I, or anyone else were to come on asking for a bounty hunter character it would be denied. We both know that.




    Yes, you can have guns, as that's part of the game. XP progression, the only main gameplay feature of RPmod, only targets Force Sensative accounts. So no, RPmod is not for mercs or bounty hunters or whatever. It's limited to JEDI purposes, naturally, as that's what it was designed for.


    It does not have non-Force Sensative feats. It does not have a currency system, nor any way to use such a currency system to progress or better outfit a gunner character.


    RPmod is good for what it accomplishes. But for communities that are for more Open RP (lol name of the mod) this mod would work great. :) So once again, great job Fighter keep at it!


    Our mod tries to aim for a different level than Rpmod so that any Rp community can use it and it allows for a wide assortment of roleplay. It isn't centered around Force Sensitives. We plan on having soldier and mercenary progression as well. However Rpmod does have a lot of features that we try to incorporate into our design. We don't wish to recreate Rpmod, but it does have a level of influence.

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