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    United States of America

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  1. UberGoat

    JA++ Updates

    Is there a changelog for the new binaries? Anything we should know about? Thanks
  2. If anyone was encountering a pthread error when trying to run the JA++ mod on a Linux OpenJK server, make sure your .sh script that runs the server looks similar to this: LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 ./openjkded.x86_64 +set fs_homepath ./ +set fs_game "japlus" +exec server.cfg The biggest thing to note is the LD_PRELOAD prefix. Note that this is particularly for a Linux 64-bit OpenJK server.
  3. How did you make a mirror of all of the jk3files.com files? Did you have to do it manually or what method did you use?
  4. What is the most significant change in gameplay for the Evolution of Combat mod?
  5. I will be upgrading to Windows 10 soon, but I need to wait on a few more drivers for my hardware to be ready.
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