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  1. 534 downloads

    Original Author: Shadow Stone Description: This is an imperial type map. But not exactly. It's more or less a space station just floating endlessly in space. It's about a medium sized map. It's meant to try and create somewhat fast gameplay with lots of guns as well as many dueling areas (several of them are secrets). Bot Support: yes New Textures: yes New Music: yes There are 6 "big" secret areas in this map. There are also several other "mini secrets" where it is possible to find weapons and special items throughout the main parts of the map. Special Thanks to Jase Terran for chosing the Song and Title of the map as well as beta testing it. I'd also like to dedicate this map to the Jedi of Light clan (JL) RIP
  2. Version V2


    Original Author: Shadow Stone Description: Well this map has been completely remade from scratch. Why? well i didn't like it that much before, simply because i had built it without snap to grid on, therefore giving me a bunch of retarded errors. BUt all in all it is pretty much the same thing, only it's completly different This time i actually made most of my textures, most of them were made from scratch, others were raven textures that i simply edited. This time around, in my opinion everything seems to have a more organized, cleaner and professional look to it. There are also quite a few secrets for you to find, some harder to find than others and some really hard to find :/. There are if I'm not mistaken 10 secrets, (plus or minus one).
  3. Stone



    Original Author: Shadow Stone Description: Based on the model Quinlan vos model created by Aaron Smith
  4. 897 downloads

    Original Author: Shadow Stone Description: a big jedi hall meant for chillin duelin and having a blast meant for ffaing basically, Then expanded to make it more ffa type, and not just duel. Used a lot of patches/curves in this map ( i was having playing around with those lol) This map also includes a council room, hospital, meeting room meditation room, small dojo, big dojo, bar, big halls, airport/hangar and more. Also some secret places such as a secret training center, secret sith lair, secret hangar and another secret room.
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