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Everything posted by LuisMars

  1. LuisMars


    Version 1.0


    ConvEx is a tool that helps you extract conversations out of the /condump generated file. Windows users, put the files on the same directory, edit the .bat file to match your input file and choose one to be your output, after that add all the names you want all between quotation marks. You can also use with the console in Linux and Mac. java -jar convex.jar "input.txt" "output.txt" "Player1 name" "Player2 name" "Player3" You will need java.
  2. I was expecting it to be easier, like removing all the ping 0 players you can see in the server info window. Thank you anyway
  3. I wonder if there's a way you can see in the list only servers with people in it. Like: View empty: yes, no, no bots. I hope it's not a silly question
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