Well, I'm not really a big fan of Win8.. I'm using regular JAMP with JA++, so it's a bit like using Win7 instead of Win8. Anyway I find that I'd use OpenJK once a stable built is released and it's made compatible with modder-maps. I'm not really an experienced map editor so I have no idea how to fix texture errors on OpenJK caused by use of '###'. I dislike that that compatibility was removed, doesn't really support much user-friendliness.. considering many servers opt to use custom maps instead of base ones. Well it's not just JKA-JO down, but Elite Force, SOF and SOF3 master servers being down as well. Out of interest, assuming they go down forever, the old method of /connect as well as use of JKhub master servers will still work, correct? I figure this won't be an issue for game hosting companies, as it'd just be a case of directing the servers to a new master servers list, and they don't really care if they're seen or not, so as long as people can connect to them and are usable.