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Everything posted by Rick

  1. 8 GB of RAM.
  2. I have about 3-4 installs of JKA, all dragged from a USB stick. My main JKA, which is the one I play, works fine since I didn't install this in there. I just tested installing it on a version of JKA that's essentially a copy + paste directly of my main JKA, just using an older JA++ and OpenJK and it worked fine, to an extent. It loaded the map and worked well up until I got ingame, where there were broken (again, more likely 'unloaded') textures all around. And when I went on a different map, it instantly displayed the Malloc error. I guess it just might not be working well on my OS.
  3. So wanting to improve my JKA experience as of late, I downloaded the Texture Overhaul. Whenever it's in my base folder and I attempt to load a map, I get this error: The zone is using 133097974 bytes (126.93MB) in 32521 memory blocksThe zone peaked at 208354747 bytes (198.70MB)Shutting down OpenGL subsystem(Repeat): Z_Malloc(): Failed to alloc 268435456 bytes (TAG_TEMP_WORKSPACE) !!!!! Judging by it, it looks like it's using too much RAM than the one permitted. I also tried to load base maps, and it worked well.. when it came to loading them, although when they loaded up, they had broken textures or rather 'unloaded' textures (where the textures just appear white). I also tried loading it with OpenJK, and it's just stuck eternally at loading .bsp.
  4. Alright, thanks for it guys. Will this be included in the 1.0 built? Also to note I don't really consider myself an active JKA Roleplayer but I'll loiter around and see what other concerns may pop up that could be considered as apart of the 'roleplayers' issues', especially if no one else is. While I haven't played JKA much actively (both JAMP and OpenJK) the couple of months, I support this project as I believe it could breath new life into the game, maybe even bring in new players by the time the new Star Wars movie is out and if Disney/LucasArts haven't realised by then that a game of this type would bring them huge profit. Though on the map issues, I've seen it pop up on maps that I figure wouldn't be the type to be used for roleplaying, like say SJC's mappacks and a bunch of duel maps, like that assortment of contest maps that popped up on jk3files like Malachor and so on. Same goes for certain skins and playermodels. It's really a hit and miss because at least 50% of the modders and mappers in the last 12 years used ###, **** and so on as comments. As you guys said, it wasn't really a good thing to do but it seemed to have work so they kept on doing it. Also sorry for the late response, I was asleep and then had some work to do.
  5. I'm not asking you guys on editing your mod specifically to fit me. It's your mod and it's up to you on how you want to make it, but all I'm saying is that if there's a patch of some sort for this issue that you'll find yourself with a lot more players who use custom maps that will use your mod. Why? Because from my point of view, I'd rather stick with base JAMP until I'm required to use OpenJK if it means having to go through the 20/30+ maps in my base folder and editing each and every one of their shader files. Let's not even bring up the models/skins who use this as well. Like I said, you're the mod's developers and it's your choice on what to do with your mod, and I think it's great for people who want to play on the standard basejka maps but if you want to expand you're gonna need backwards compatibility, otherwise you're expecting people to re-edit all of their maps as well as have future map makers not repeat the same mistake, which is pretty hard to do considering they've been doing it for the past 12 years since JKA's been out.
  6. So basically it's a case of the open sourced version of JAMP simply not being able to run the #### comments, and there being no known way to set it back up to how it is in JAMP?
  7. So as to not derail the Master Servers thread.. Is it really necessary to have it give out a warning when a #### or *** comment is used? I mean it seems kind of pointless to have what looks to be a detriment included, which isn't a detriment in regular JAMP. If possible, you guys should include a 'custom map' friendly version of OpenJK once a stable 1.0 version is out for download to go along with it. And we're not even talking a few easily editable maps, over 60% of the maps in my base folder have an issue with working with OpenJK. Some will miss blades of grass, some will have a missing texture-looking skybox, some will be full of missing textures and so on and so forth, so it doesn't look like an issue that can be fixed by editing the maps unless there's someone willing to go through the entirety of the maps in the files section on jkhub.. It seems like an issue that can easily be fixed with OpenJK by just using JAMP-type acceptance of these type of comments in the shader file. Unless it literally makes it impossible to include these comments in an 'open sourced' version of the JAMP exe like OpenJK is.
  8. Well, I'm not really a big fan of Win8.. I'm using regular JAMP with JA++, so it's a bit like using Win7 instead of Win8. Anyway I find that I'd use OpenJK once a stable built is released and it's made compatible with modder-maps. I'm not really an experienced map editor so I have no idea how to fix texture errors on OpenJK caused by use of '###'. I dislike that that compatibility was removed, doesn't really support much user-friendliness.. considering many servers opt to use custom maps instead of base ones. Well it's not just JKA-JO down, but Elite Force, SOF and SOF3 master servers being down as well. Out of interest, assuming they go down forever, the old method of /connect as well as use of JKhub master servers will still work, correct? I figure this won't be an issue for game hosting companies, as it'd just be a case of directing the servers to a new master servers list, and they don't really care if they're seen or not, so as long as people can connect to them and are usable.
  9. I'm a bit optimistic and think it'll be up some time mid-January when they go back to work. Gaming production companies generally have longer vacations and Holidays for most tend to be 23Dec-5Jan.
  10. Thank you. I assume most server hosting companies will have no issue with this? Then again, most of the servers on that list are likely by hosting companies as I know of few people who do home hosting.
  11. Just to be clear, do server owners have to install OpenJK on their servers? And is OpenJK extremely necessary for this to work or will something like all seeing eye work?
  12. Yes, it's that issue but extended to most other maps. I've made a post in there so we don't clog up this topic.
  13. Been lurking for awhile.. finally decided to register and post. No, I don't use it. I don't use it simply because I barely play on basejka maps, and the maps I play on like Ord Mantell, Taris RP etc all have broken textures when I use it. I've read about the issue and it doesn't look like it's going to be fixed, but if it is, I'll be sure to give it a go since while it doesn't suit me because of said issue, I would recommend it to people who use basejka maps as it's a big improvement on regular JAMP in terms of features, performance and so on.
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