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Files posted by MyKell

  1. ForceModIII v1.01 Ingame Chat Vulnerability Fix

    Removes the vulnerability to the say/tell "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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  2. RCON Program for JKA

    AUTHOR: mykell / deseonet
    This is a beta version so there will be plenty of bugs. Please report errors and problems to mdaly1231@gmail.com.
    I suck at technical writing but here we go...
    The bottom area is a series of tabs.
    * Server List
    o Load and Save data to the server list file.
    o Buttons to Start and Stop server monitoring.
    o Controls to sort the server list by IP Address or Nick Name.
    * Get Status
    o Data Grid displaying the current server's cvars/values.
    o Controls to sort by cvar or value.
    o Control to pause updates or filter for color codes to the grids data.
    o A fancy way to view the "getstatus" command.
    * Status
    o Data Grid displaying the current players and information about them.
    o Controls to sort by Slot, Name, or IP Address.
    o Control to pause update or filter for color codes
    o Displays the player's full name, not just the first 15 characters like the normal "status" command.
    o Context Menu (Right-Click Commands):
    * Get Player Info (rcon dumpuser). This command will not work on player names that contain spaces.
    * Force To Team. This command will force the selected player to join any of the four teams (play, spectator, blue, and red).
    * Warnings. Custom set of chained commands that are helpful in dealing with players who are causing trouble.
    * 1st Offense: Verbal Warning.
    * 2nd Offense: Verbal warning and a trip to spectator.
    * 3rd Offense: Verbal warning, a trip to spectator, and a kick.
    * 4th Offense: Verbal warning, a trip to spectator, a ban, and a kick (doing the ban first prevents reconnects).
    * Say to Player. Basic svsay with the selected player's name.
    * Kick Player. Just plain handy. Right-click and kick.
    * Ban IP Address. Right-Click and ban.
    * Ban IP Address and Kick. Right click, ban, and kick.
    * UnBan IP Address. To be fair...sometimes an admin MIGHT make an error.
    * RCON Console
    o Send commands and receive data.
    o The "Send Command" button will fade out when the program is busy.
    o Control to filter for color codes.
    o Some commands will auto populate.
    o Data from any user issued RCON Commands will be posted here. This includes context menus and tool bar menus.
    o Able to send non-RCON commands (getinfo, getstatus, etc)
    * LOG Console
    o Auto Update will logs its' activities in this console.
    o Control to filter for color codes.
    * Settings
    o RConsole Logging Options. This area controls what data will be sent to the external RCON Console log file.
    * Disabled- Nothing will be logged.
    * RConsole Command- Only user issued commands sent via the RCON Console tab will be sent to the log file.
    * RConsole and Menu Commands- Same as above. In addition, any user issued command will be sent to the log file.
    o LConsole Logging Options. This area controls what data will be sent to the external LOG Console log file.
    * Disabled- Nothing will be logged.
    * Log Auto Update- will log general info from the auto update cycle.
    * Log Response Details- same as above. In addition, will include server response data.
    o Program Wide. Over all program settings.
    * Pause All Updates. This will pause the auto update loop. Handy if you need to review the LOG Console screen.
    * Filter All Data. This will filter all color codes from all data feeds received by the program.
    o Server Info Area. Settings that affect just the Server Info area.
    * Able to filter for color codes


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