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Posts posted by LoU

  1. I want make this tutorial as easy as possible, so i will try to explain everything.

    In this tutorial i used Movie Battles Mod as example, You can use any other Mod You like.




    1. Files needed:



    - linuxjampded/jampDed.exe – server






    -base/MBBaseAssets.pk3 (optional-mod)


    - files extracted from downloaded mod (in this case Movie Battles)

    - server.cfg


    (main_folder) is a flder where You keep your jamp.exe, in 90% cases it should be GameData.


    linuxjampded - this is executable file of dedicated server for Linux

    jampDed.exe - this is executable file of dedicated server for Windows


    Base is a folder located in (main_folder) (example: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Academy\GameData\Base)

    MBII - is a folder located in (main_folder) - This is folder for Movie Battles mod, don't make it if You want to use another mod.


    Files located in base folder (jamp 1.01)









    2. Customize server configuration file (server.cfg located in GameData\modname\server.cfg) GameData\MBII\server.cfg in this case.


    Well, this part is totally up to You, however i will explain some CVARS used by server (common, not mod directly)


    sv_hostname "Jedi Server" - In this case our server's name is Jedi Server and this name will show up in servers' list.

    sv_maxclients "32" - Total amount of players allowed to join Your server.

    sv_masterserverX "" - where X is a number of master server starts with 1, You would like to add sv_masterserver "master.jkhub.org" this is a master server which OUR server will communicate with.

    fraglimit "2000" - When the total rounds reaches this amount, the map ends. Ties may happen.

    timelimit "2000" - Time limit for match

    ... list goes on....

    Feel free to ask on forums if You want to know more about cvars.



    3. Linux - step by step


    a. Basis:


    Linux commands:


    wget - Wget is a*free software*package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP, the most widely-used Internet protocols. It is a non-interactive commandline tool, so it may easily be called from scripts,*cron*jobs, terminals without X-Windows support, etc.


    screen - *is a wrapper that allows separation between the text program and the shell from which it was launched. This allows the user to, for example, start a text program in a terminal in X, kill X, and continue to interact with the program.


    cd - The cd command is used to change the current directory (i.e., the directory in which the user is currently working) in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. It is similar to the CD and CHDIR commands in MS-DOS.


    mkdir – makes new directory

    cp – copy files/directories

    mv – move files/directories

    rm – remove files/directories


    adduser – create new user



    b. Let's start


    If You are working on windows and Your server (dedicated/vps) uses linux please download this app to connect via SSH:

    PuTTy: http://www.chiark.gr...y/download.html

    If You are currently working under desktop linux and this is your PC You don't need this file, You will use terminal instead.


    Open PuTTy.exe





    Fill with Your IP and click Open.



    c. adduser - skip this step and go to step d if You already have user with root privileges (if u have user without root privileges go to c1)


    It's not recommended to operate as root, so we will create new user (in some cases we will need root priveleges so we will add them soon)


    Login as root:




    Now use command:

    adduser jedi


    In this example i added user 'jedi' with password 'jedi123'.





    c1. sudoers - this might be needed


    You may need to add user to sudoers, use command:



    Under root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL



    jedi ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL


    Where 'jedi' is a name of user we have added before.



    d. Login, create folders, configure mod



    Please login once again using new account (jedi/jedi123), or account u had before (not root)


    Now, we have to create directory where we will keep our MOD(in this case - MBII) server files:






    In this example (main_folder) = 'ja' (You can use GameData ofc).


    (each new line = command{enter-key})


    As You can see i have same structure as declared in the first step of this tutorial.


    Now we have empty folder, it's time for another step.



    What we need now, is to download server files, and assets (You can use Your own from JA install).

    You should use ftp to upload all files from base folder in GameData – original jka assets.

    You can also upload it to some hosting and then use wget to download file.


    If You don't know how to do it, no worries, i will explain it.


    1. FTP:

    Connect to You server using Filezilla (example) IP (ip same u used in putty) Login - your username, pass - pass. (you should use account You created with me)







    2. Wget

    Assuming You don't have ftp access, or ftp is not installed on You server:

    Upload to any server using ftp, or http (rapidsharelike won;t work since we need direct link)



    cd ~ = go to user's home directory

    cd ~

    cd ja

    cd base

    wget http://yourlink.xx/assets0.pk3



    wait till download is finished and

    wget http://yourlink.xx/assets1.pk3






    Ok, so now You have base files on Your server, so it's time to download server files and MOD (Yes, MBII in this case smile.png ), but let's start with MOD files.

    cd ~

    cd ja

    mkdir MBII

    wget http://cdn.moviebattles.com/releases/MBII_V0.1.8_Full.zip

    unzip MBII_V0.1.8_Full.zip

    Let's analyse what i have done above.

    1. cd ~ - i went to my home folder

    2. cd ja - i went to ja folder

    3. mkdir MBII - i made folder MBII for my MOD (it wasn't necessary since in MBII_V0.1.8_Full.zip this foldery already exist, but in Your mod it might not)

    4. wget http://cdn.moviebatt...V0.1.8_Full.zip - i downloaded modification

    5. unzip MBII_V0.1.8_Full.zip - i extracted archive




    Almost done, few things left.



    Now we need Server Files.

    cd ~

    cd ja

    wget http://bgteam.eu/SERVER_TOOLS/jalinuxded_1.011.zip

    unzip jalinuxded_1.011.zip

    rm jalinuxded_1.011.zip


    rm jalinuxded_1.011.zip = remove file (u don't have to, but we won't use it anymore since this file has been already extraced)






    We have to set permission for server file so we can run it.

    chmod a+x linuxjampded


    Move .lib file to /usr/lib

    mv libcxa.so.1 /usr/lib

    In case of any errors use sudo (jedi123 as password for sudo)

    sudo mv libcxa.so.1 /usr/lib


    Now, add permissions:

    chmod a+r /usr/lib/libcxa.so.1



    sudo chmod a+r /usr/lib/libcxa.so.1


    Last step:


    Let's create a simple script to start server:


    Go to 'ja' directory


    cd ~/ja

    nano start.sh



    ./linuxjampded +set fs_game MBII +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 29071 +exec server.cfg


    +set fs_game MOD

    +set dedicated 2 = dedicated server (1 for LAN?)

    +set net_port 29071 - i used 29071, You can use any other You want

    +exec server.cfg = exec server configuration file


    Save and exit (Ctrl – X; Y; Enter)

    Add permissions:

    chmod a+x start.sh



    Run screen (so You can close PuTTy and keep server running)

    screen -S my_server




    Press CTRL + A ; D to detach current screen ( u can go back to it with screen -r my_server)






    Just an addendum: DO NOT have +set fs_game base if you intend to run base. Should just be left with no fs_game parameter for true base behavior.


    Can cause confusion with the game/code if you set it to base. An direct example visible to clients is that filtering by base will hide your server to clients.

  2. That's not possible but for easier tracking you can echo it:



    Left top corner:


    bind h vstr superpush1
    set superpush1 "echo ^21-PULL; force_pull; bind h vstr superpush2"
    set superpush2 "echo ^22-WEAPON1; weapon 1; bind h vstr superpush3"
    set superpush3 "echo ^23-PUSH; force_throw; bind h vstr superpush1; echo ^1SUPERPUSH ROTATION RESET;"
    bind g "echo ^1SUPERPUSH ROTATION RESET; bind h vstr superpush1"
    k4far likes this
  3. By pressing 3rd time you already do a reset.

    set superpush3 "force_throw; bind h vstr superpush1"

    So next time it will trigger superpush1


    The thing is, let's say you are in combat, you used h only twice and then got killed. Next round if you press h - it will be push. By pressing G (reset) you will always know that now if you press h it will be force pull - beginning of the rotation.

    k4far likes this
  4. It was disbaled due to lagscripts and macros which are not exaclt fair to others.


    You have few options.


    For example you can bind a set function on one key which will:

    bind h vstr superpush1set superpush1 "force_pull; bind h vstr superpush2"set superpush2 "weapon 1; bind h vstr superpush3"set superpush3 "force_throw; bind h vstr superpush1"

    Above example will require to push "h" button 3 times, pull, weapon, push.

    It's good to have another bind to reset the rotation:


    bind g "bind h vstr superpush1"



    Second option is not that easy, it would require some script/app which will send commands to game's console (doable with autoit or your own app)


    Press X -> send to jamp.exe /force_pull -> wait(2) -> send to jamp.exe /anothercommand


    Can't thing of anything else atm, could miss something.

    k4far likes this
  5. I especially agree with this. It's basically the only thing that made me play CS for soon to be 800 hours - I love seeing my skills and rank progress. It really pushes you to get better and better. If I remember right, there actually was some kind of leaderboard on the net for JKA duels back in the 2000's?


    It's doable with account system (for example linked to forums or any other database) and in-game tracking / serverside tracking (offical servers like I wanted for MBII).


    The idea was simple - > run Official Servers hidden from list and joinable only if you meet requirements. (account system needed to be impleneted).

  6. This is what I wanted for MB2 (https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/why-and-bye.3902).

    I hope they will opensource this project. IIRC there were legal aspects behind this "not possible atm", but I'm not an expert if it comes to legal disputes about GPL/2 JKA EULA/SKD license and all of this stuff.


    Back in the days (again: https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/why-and-bye.3902 ) we had tournaments, we had ideas of two new game modes including CTF.

    Smoo likes this
  7. It did, Cat was making it but its gone now.  I think he lost the source.  But I don't think he actually put it on the actual master.jkhub.org location.



    Oh, it's offtopic. I came here and saw new post, i thought finally feedback. LOL.

  8. Yes, thank you for the clarification. :) I was thinking of JKG's old server list.


    @@LoU: server list would be fine under Resources I think

    It's up to You, but imho it could get at least some promo for a week :D That was only an idea, for now we will wait for some feedback.


    Is it possible to use your subdomain and hosting if there will be some interest in this? (

  9. Oka ;)


    Still we would like to get some feedback from potential users. How they see it, are they going to use it, and if so, what options should we imlement, how this list should look like.


    We really would like to cooperate with community itself, making some good stuff for them, since we have access to source code, community of jk2/3 should grow :) (dreamer, but im not the only one)


    If this small 'project' would get some interest we can work with You guys, and i think adding this site to JKHub bar also could be a good idea:


    JKHub founder launches web hosting company◄►Groups Mods People Resources Servers List


    Circa likes this
  10. By your first sentence, you probably mean jacklul's already existing server list for JKHub Master Server which isn't hosted by me.


    And on the second one, I think that the GameTracker issue was just an easy way for bots to grab server hosts from many different Q3-protocol based games in order to spam getstatus at them with a spoofed IP address to flood a target. I don't think it was related to any on-demand refreshing feature that GameTracker used.


    Now i understand. It's still possible to do such a thing with GT, i will talk to jack and we will try to figure this out.

  11. Afaik we will use MySQL Database to increase security for that matter.


    Update script will be executed only from specific IP (webhost's), and let's say every few minutes it will send requests to master.jkhub and master.jk3 and then  update database.



    People won't be able to use refresh on demand (or they will be able to do so with specific restrictions - e.g. once every 24/h), anyway they will get cached info from database :)


    Let's wait for jack, he is responsible for this more than i am, and he will provide us more up-to-date info about it.


    edit: AFAIK only owners of certain server can use live refresh on GT, users have to wait for autorefresh. 

  12. I use windows 8.1 and have no problems or issues so far. 

    Only thing i disliked at the beginning was new "Start Menu" desigin, but now i get used to it.

    There are few replacements for new UI Metro Start Menu around the internet so You can use it if You really don't like new one, so it shouldn't be such a big deal.



    I have small netbook with windows 8.1, 1gb ram. Windows only uses 300-400mb where Win7 used 500-600 mb.

    Performance is better with win 8.1.

  13. Hi,

    You can check for other wireless SSIDs and channels they use with - InSSIDer.


    If there is a lot of SSIDs using channel 2 then set channel 4 (+2 rule).


    Try with 5ghz band.

    Try with drivers update (network card)

    If it's possible You can also try with upgrading router's firmware :)



    btw. This is my first post here, and i would like to say that Anakin Skywalker is 'also' Luke's father(antibot question:P)

    gerbilOFdoom and Circa like this
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