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Everything posted by Baal

  1. I guess nobody picked this up, is there any other place someone knows of where I might request this kind of skin?
  2. Do you know anyone willing to do this?
  3. It is SP only, isn't it? And while that is awesome, Its not exactly what I am looking for
  4. Or even something like this... Or even,
  5. Is it possible? The head doesnt matter as much to me as everything below the jaw line (Also, no purple socks please, I'd prefer black shoes or something less ridiculous)
  6. So, I'm going to role play a Diathim soon, only I don't have a skin for one (hence this post) I was wondering if someone could make a SITH Diathim skin that looks like this, with these details, please note the height on the wiki page. Also, if you could make it more Male looking, I would be most appreciative, but if female is the only thing you can do, that is fine too. Biological classification Designation Sentient[1] Classification Humanoid[2] Physical characteristics Average height 2-3 meters[2] Skin color Glowing white[1] Distinctions Six wings, yellow aura[1] http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Diathim
  7. I tried to have someone work on this before, then they went awol, they used this model as a base. http://www.moddb.com/games/star-wars-jedi-academy/addons/the-sith-stalker
  8. This is the model I use now, I like the head, except for that stupid white space between his lips, this is my ideal head at this point for the model. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/;6028
  9. I have that skin, but I really like the armor and the way the head pretty much looks on the drawing, if you can do it, Id really be thankful, the head on this model just freaks me out
  10. Hey all, so I was wondering if any modeler would be willing to take on a skin. I would like it to look like this, please. Or, at least something like it.
  11. I really just want this skin to be done, so maybe.
  12. Hey all, so I was wondering if any modeler would be willing to take on a skin. I would like it to look like this, please. Or, at least something like it.
  13. So I thought it would be really cool to have a staff like the spear Imperius has in Daiblo 3, for those of you who are not D3 fans, here is a picture... If you can do this, that would be amazing!
  14. The single saber is awesome! Thanks so much for that... Question... can you make that one a staff version as well? both sides can hit but one side lights up?
  15. I looked at both of them, the one that is copied off of the guard is too short for me, sorry to be so uptight, and the one from kazdan paratus creates a small saber on the other side... which i really don't want. If someone can help me with changing those or make new ones please tell me
  16. Thanks man! And hey if you do remake them, please let me know!
  17. Hi, I would like to request a saber spear/pike/lance. Kind of like the ones from Force Unleashed. Aka, the picture below. I have looked around filefront and here, and there really aren't any good ones. So please, if you get the chance. There just has to be one thing, I would still like to use it in regular saber mode and yellow single saber mode. Thank you .
  18. So I have a request, or more of a challenge for a Skinner out there. I have an idea of a skin i want, only problem is i have no idea ow to skin. I've tried and failed.... miserably. So... I want a skin that has a uniform like this... https://www.kungfudirect.com/prodimages/U0700B.jpg Also... I would like the face to be something as Chinese as possible, and what I mean by that is... White ponytail, and a long Fu Man Chu with long whiskers if this is possible, much appreciated! Finally, If at all possible, can you put this logo, not the words but the ying yang symbol and the three spikes on the back of the skin... http://riddleofsteel.net/sow/wp-content/themes/oblivion/img/sow_Logo.png Thank you so much if you can do this!
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