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Kliff Edge

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Posts posted by Kliff Edge

  1. blame the lawn gnomes:





    Not that I'm making a habit of posting Jedi Academy porn....(these days) :ph34r:


    I was more annoyed about the fact that I had this and a few other models near done about 6 years ago...when detail like that was actually impressive - now it's pretty standard.



    Oh yeah and this, that I never relaesed...


    there was no pleasing some people, so I said - "F*ck everyone, I'm not releasing it."



    - Can you believe I had this ready to go in November 2004?

    Oh...now I remember. I was gonna make seperate Hoth and Seige outfits/skins....AAAAAAAARGH@!!



    Word of advice: never date anyone that looks ANYTHING like the project you're working on....just add hipster glasses.


    But that wasn't the horrible memory - it was MAKING THIS MODEL!!!!





    I might release this:




    The player model - not the map. The map is a convoluted, disorganised piece of crap.

    BUt I was never really happy with how he looked - oh well.




    This is just the stuff I KNOW I have.




    I dunno what the hell this was:





    And here's some MISC stuff that was probably lost in the great move/computer crash/update of 2006:



    And even if I did have this stuff...I probably wouldn't waste my time trying to finish it - it was all in very early stages.





    New Drinking Animation, for cutscenes:


    this was a throwaway HUD - it was just too bulky and distracting:






  2. OH MY GOD IT'S A CELEBRITY :o :o :o


    Danzig!? Where?




    Thanks for kind greetings - I dunno if I'll have much to contribute, but I know I have one or two unreleased (likely near-finished) things, that are probably sitting on backups somewhere. I might be able to pull some exclusive thing out my arse, for JKHub.

    Caelum and Link like this
  3. Heyo everyone.

    Good to see some familiar....screen names around.

    I was either known as DAK or Antizac in the JK/Mots JO/JA modding community....*dodges thrown produce*


    Yes, so long story - after this project of mine, didn't work out, I moved on...literally. I moved a few times. did some stuff, worked hard, made lots of money.... finished college, lost money... successfully ate 64 slices of processed American Cheese...but I digest...


    I unofficially retired from modding a few years back, while I was finishing college - I played Star Wars Galaxies up until they pulled the plug. Met some interesting folks on there - had a few laughs, crazy adventures, got into video editing,


    As of right now, I'm working alot, while trying to get a few websites going....more about that later.


    If I do any kind of modding these days it's mostly for Skyrim - but who knows. If I can find a XSI exporter that works with 3ds MAX 9...ya never know.

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