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dark soul

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Posts posted by dark soul

  1. What do you mean by OOC should be limited?


    I'll take a look at jumping.


    /try and /do sound interesting. I'll discuss it with others.


    I'll take a look at that faction leave bug.


    Thanks for the help with the calculator and menu.





    OOC chat shouldn't  be spammed(Some people use it as a normal chat and other players get "disturbed" by that. Like a 10 s between each message filter or something, though it can be solved through silence or disabling the channel through admin.

    It might take me sometime to figure out how UI works in OJK, but I will try to understand the ORP UI


    I took a few mins to take a look at the em list, if you want you can use this code :

    void Cmd_eminfo_F(gentity_t *ent)
    	if (ent->client->sess.loggedIn)
    		// emote list
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^3EMOTE list :\n\"");
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emaim, ematease, emfloating, embutton, emcommtype, emchoke, emdie, emdie2\n\"");
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emdie3, emdie4, emhello, emhips, eminjuredhand, emintimidate, emknees\n\"");
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emmindcrush, empoint, empush, emsit, emsit2, emsit3, emsit4,  emsit5\n\"");
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emsit6, emsit7, emsorrow, emstand, emthrow, emtwitch, emtyping, emtyping\n\"");
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emwait, emhold, emspreadout, emmove, emclear\n\"");
  2. More feedback :


    /amgivegun isn't working. I tried amgivegun player 2 , amgivegun player e11, amgivegun player e-11, blaster... and nothing.

    - I think it'd be cool if people could get enough money to buy things instead of having admins to give them money.

    Unused cmds : amalarm, amgiveskillpoints, amtimer, checkinventory,  aminfo, hologram(Dunno what is this supossed to do, perhaps create a jk2 morgan image), /info

    Account commands seem to work fine


    Admin cmds :

    amannounce, amaudio, amban, amcheckstats (this one works fine, it displays the powers you have configured but you didn't even earn them),

    amcreatefaction works fine, only problem is that it makes you leader automatically and you have to logout to create other factions (Dunno who's the leader when you leave it and can't give leadership to other player)I guess our current workaround at the moment is giving some users an admin account with only that cmd),

    amdisguise http://puu.sh/b9dOW/5330073423.jpg doesn't work

    warnings aren't remembered
    amshakescreen works,  amsilence works, amsetfaction works,
    amtoblack works, but it's not smooth
    amwarn warns but when you log out you loose it.( in this case, it'd be better to remove aftersome time or through admin)
     amweather works, but can't notice the effect of amweatherplus

    setstun is showed in public chat



    Suggestions :
    Restrict setstun to certain factions, such as policemen(Would be like the Republic and bounty hunters )

    Bounty should be restricted to some factions only, else it could cause a big deathmatch in the server.
    Lightsabers shouldn't be get directly IMO, through a quest, or something.
    OOC channel needs to be limited so it's not spammed with other things
    Limit jumps : People can just jump as much as they want (Bunny hopping). bunny hopping is prohibited in RP servers like SA:MP RP servers. The reason is that people manage to get to wherever they want 5 times faster or even escape walking policemen.

    Each faction with a leader (If we can choose (admins) who the faction leaders will be that's okay. Else we would use the workaround I mentioned before.

    /do /try chat

    A very simple example : We tried to hack the lock of a door, we type /try hack the lock.

    *Jedi tried to hack the lock but failed
    > Then we type that again (Max 3 tries)
    *Jedi tried to hack the lock but failed
    *Jedi succeeded hacking the lock


    /do requires the participation of another playing

    Example :

    Jedi suddenly sabers the mercenary's hand, does it hurt him?
    > Then the other player would answer us
    Mercenary is rather hurt but tries to stand-still


    > Then we continue roleplaying

    Another bug :

    1:59:22 - [Console] - faction 4
    1:59:22 - You are already in a faction and must leave it using /factionLeave before joining a new one.
    1:59:26 - [Console] - factionLeave
    1:59:26 - You aren't in a faction.
    1:59:29 - [Console] - faction 3
    1:59:29 - You are already in a faction and must leave it using /factionLeave before joining a new one.

    I'm working on a bit-val calc, which I will release tomorrow probably.

    Also I'll try to modify the menu to make it better / add more functions.

  3. Perhaps you're right. I was going to make most saber wielding enemies run at 215 or 230, and limit the player speed on Jedi Master at 230. I figure this would make it a little tougher to run from enemies and force you to engage them a tad more. The default speed is 200 for almost all enemies. The only saber wielder exception I believe is Rosh_dark who gets 300 run speed.


    Force heal? Perhaps. Considering the red reborn are the strongest standard type of saber enemy, I wanted to make the reborn adepts (what I call the blue reborns, red ones I call warriors) and saber cultists have force heal or something unusual. Most enemies don't need/benefit from Force Heal compared to the player though, as enemy's have more HP, 200 + shadowtrooper damage reduction for reborn masters, 300+ hp and damage reduction for most bosses, 300 hp for reborn warriors. With that much HP it will take them longer to heal and drain more force points from them, but may still be a good idea, I'm just throwing stuff out there.


    One thing about NPCs, is many of them have Dark Rage which makes them an easy mark. What happens is they drain most of their HP sometimes down to 1 hp :P) from constantly raging, and then they start using Force Drain incessantly to make up the difference. Perhaps this part of the AI could be improved for JA, as this is something that they don't suffer from in JK2 as they don't have rage.


    You could allow rage un npc only when they are above certain HP, like if they have 300 only above 200,180

    Asgarath83 likes this
  4. Hi there guys,


    I'm currently testing ORP in a Linux host. IP : ( I can't post on RP discuss and feedback so I post here, move it if you want )


    my people are testing it, and I will report server-side and client-side feedback from them and the server.


    /shop cmd says unknown cmd


    emlist and info missing


    /setstun stuns with everything, grip, melee, every weapon.


    - If you choose to be force-sensitive, you can choose whatever forcepowers from the menu instead of getting them into your character.

    - Non force-sensitive players hold lightsabers and CAN use forcepowers.

    -(FIXED) how do we set admins? A db editor or something, or is there any server-side cmd?


    +We will still provide suggestions and feedback as long as I receive them.


    Last update 21:11 26/08/14


    Segmentation fault :


    Item: 3 ammo_metallic_bolts
    ClientUserinfoChanged: 1 <no change>
    Kill: 0 3 38: [A�S]HCouncil'NeTe killed [A��]Geralt'A by MOD_FALLING
    tell: [A��]Geralt'A to [A�S]HCouncil'NeTe: [A�S]HCouncil'NeTe, you killed me
    ClientUserinfoChanged: 5 n\[A�S]Wismo�N\t\0\model\jedi_spanki/head_f4|torso_c2|lower_f1\ds\m\st\Kyle\st2\none\c1\5\c2\4\hc\100\
    ClientUserinfoChanged: 5 n\[A�S]Wismo�N\t\3\model\jedi_spanki/head_f4|torso_c2|lower_f1\ds\m\st\Kyle\st2\none\c1\5\c2\4\hc\100\
    ClientBegin: 5
    Segmentation fault


    Linux build fix : (If you happen to have this problem while running the server : http://pastebin.com/uj42UpWV)

    Goto: codemp/game

    Open CMakelists.txt

    Goto where it says :

    set(MPGameLibraries "winmm")

    Add afterwards

    set(MPGameLibraries "pthread")

    Clientside : OPEN RP UI

    Seems like when you fail to login it crashes sometimes(I might be the only one tho)


    Suggestions : - Server paycheck proffesions, like Imperials (They get paid after sometime)

    - Something a faction gets rewarded for

  5. BobaFett's 'hack utility' just exploits bugs in code. The multi-line chat is an exploit that exists in basejka, but patched server-side in most mods. Boba's tool just allows the client to exploit the bug easier.


    The amsleep exploit is something that JA+ introduced, so it obviously doesn't affect basejka. That feature is broken in JA+ but it could be fixed.

    Dunno, I figured out how to reproduce it but I guess nothing can be done about it.


    If the server isn't using OpenJK, it could probably also be the donedl exploit.


    The server IS using OJK. I can't switch to JA++ until you gimme hint to what I sent you in a MP

  6. If multi-line names or chat is allowed, that's a JA+ bug and maybe you could check out JA++ for your server.


    If someone can get out of amsleep, that again is a JA+ bug. I have no idea if JA++ does amsleep, but if it does, it probably doesn't have that bug.


    So basically either convince the JA+ developer to fix those bugs, or try JA++ instead.


    I'm currently setting up a server.cfg for JA++ and I will switch to it today. I will use our clanmembers to report all bugs and missing things we find.


    I thought it was some sort of hax such as BobaFett's. He could move from one place to another, but he was still slept.


    I tried it out and it worked, without using hax just JKA cmds

  7. Hi guys
    Yesteeday a swedish guy came to my server and he started to create meses, laming and so. He was slept and then somehow he got rid of ir and could move.
    He wasn't admin and the amwake cmd wasn't applied nor through admin ir rcon
    He also faked players witjout changing name and used multilinel names

    How did he get rid of sleep?



    edit : i managed to move lagging myself, is it that? Tho I can't move freely, but I can move while slept.

  8. Talking about JA mostly even though I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case in JK2 as well...


    Why doesn't the alt-fire stat in .npc files work? All the proper code seems to be in place...


    In JK2 there was a npc in cairn_bay i think, which uses alt-fire. Stcommander, two of them are place on the top of the elevators and using alt fire mode.


    Dunno if they are scripted or using npc files.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  9. Who do you think develops that "someone else's tool" that cheaters use? ;)



    "Most cheaters aren't coders" is a weak argument. It takes one coder to distribute it to thousands.


    well, in my experience they are friends of the guy who codes de hax so i guess nothing can be done about this.

  10. Rule N+1: See rule #1.


    Absolutely what @@Didz said. The client can never be trusted to provide valid information to say whether it's clean or not.


    I guess if you don't know what it checks for it to be valid there would be no problem, but most cheaters aren't coders as they are using someone else's tool

  11. I'm pretty sure that there is no such thing for JKA. It would be incredibly useful though. Can you use JK2MF to figure out who used a modified client through demos as well?


    We used this : http://puu.sh/aRYsW/5b541f7cf8.jpg and that way we determine the modified client.

    When it says "Unknown", you aren't using the original client but a modified version not known by the JK2MF, probably a CVAR unlocker or eVc bypass


    I didn't try the demos but it might work, though it's only serverside.

  12. If you're cheating, I can't imagine you'd care much about playing fair or just having a good time chatting with others etc...  You're there because a) You made a cool hack yourself and want to try it out B) You have an illusive inflated ego and feel the need to make everybody see just how superior you are, even at the expense of cheating your way there.  c) You like playing against other cheaters with cheats, so really its all fair anyway.


    But yeah, I suppose Bacon could be just talking about plain old poke/wiggle players who don't use scripts too, in which case that's a bit uncalled.  But I'm pretty sure he meant the ones that 'cheat' to do it.


    In JK2, JK2MF allows everyplayer to know who has a modified client or not, that way you can guess he's using a CVAR unlocker, JKBOT(eVc), a bypass etc...


    I was asking if there's someway to do that in JKA, I know I won't be able to stop them from using mombots, esp hacks and scripts, but if they have to bypass the macroscan they'll need a modified client and that way I'd know.

  13. Before we enter into a discussion ended a decade plus ago, let us all be reminded of the peace and grace of our holy lord, may she guide us forever, Caelum, provider of all our JKA services. Let us all avoid the flame.




    Moving on, nice attempt to instigate chaos. IF you genuinely believe that, k. Bye bye.

    In relation to cheating, you could just ask. A lot of people are honest.


    To be honest I didn't expect this to become an argument or something like that nor to instigate chaos but to find a way to recognize cheating such as JK2MF does.


    IF that's TOO HARD to understand then I guess I will close the topic or something because the only answer to what I asked was provided by @afiNitor

  14. Scripts are borderline, but there are some ways to detect blatant cheats like cvar unlockers, aimbots and various other hacks. I'm very unknowledgeable on that though, so just gonna invoke @. The guys over at the ESL were having some success with that too.


    I'd be interested, since there are ppl with ui_macroscan bypasses and that'd be enough for me if I knew who they were.

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