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Everything posted by MrDJSilva

  1. Hello JKHub Community, JKLeague/JKL also known as Jedi Knight League is a place for clans/teams for Events, Ladders, Tournaments, Matches and et ceteara, though its not pure base as esl is, there is all kind of tournaments and in Base, JA+/JA++/, OpenJK, and not just Saber-Only. I've been working on this project from the 19th December 2014 that'll reunite the JA communities for its passion of casual & competitive online gaming, We offer both casual and competitive online gaming for individual players and teams/clans to enjoy. once signed up you can enjoy the many features that Jedi Knight League offers. We are currently building the ladders so you's have something to do and to work up those exp points but yer i hope yous can come around check it out and tell me what you think *Links* Official Homepage: http://www.jkleague.com Forums: http://www.jkleague.com/forums/forum.php Staff: http://jkleague.com/...index.php/Staff Servers Information: http://jkleague.com/...ver_Information About Us: http://jkleague.com/...ex.php/About_Us *Features List* > Take part in free to enter ladders (Base,OpenJK, JA++) (Mulitple Gamemodes) ✓ > Win prizes in selected Tournaments (Base,OpenJK, JA++) (Mulitple Gamemodes) ✓ > Create a team and invite other members to join ✓ > Use the Free Agents feature to attract new members ✓ > Take part in Community discussions on our Forum ✓ > TeamSpeak 3 Server (Create a team/clan channel) ✓ > Player(s)/Team(s)/Match(s) Wiki Archives ✓ > Video Archives (Working Progress) > Events (Working Progress)
  2. @RancorSNP i've just PMéd you and maybe we can brainstorm on some ideas together
  3. Yer CTF's are always fun to play @@ent that could definitely be a possibility
  4. Yes i know making one of these types of communities probably wont work at this time but i will not give up on this idea, Pretty much (JAGL) is a gaming league like ESL, MLG, ACL and CyberGamer ect but obviously with the name of the league it'll will most likely be doing leagues on Jedi Academy and the multiplayer mods that have been developed in the past. You guys may be wondering what ill be doing to or providing for this project i will be providing. Website (Leagues Based Operations) (CMS: phpbb, EGL Advanced) (Forums, Ladder matches ect)3 TeamSpeak3 Servers (Hosted in USA, UK, Australia/Asia) (500 Slots Per Server)3 Dedicated Servers (Hosted in USA, UK, Australia/Asia) (1000Mbps Uplink Port)Live broadcast & Archived of all events (TwitchTV, YouTube and UStream)Competitive & Non Competitive Leagues Social active (Twitter, Facebook) As you guys know that its been rather dark times on JKA Servers lately but i am sure if you guys contact the clan leaders of the community that you guys are represent will get involved with this project and hopefully we can have some great matches so please get involved guys answer what you think and submit your answer in the poll below http://www.poll-maker.com/poll145135x7BC34C25-6
  5. hey guys here are some photos on our new usa server thank Cloud Senatu for taking the screenshots!
  6. Thats not up to me thats up to the council but if they had a demand for it they will, but the method is to make sure no spamming is on the website and such i don't honestly know why they pick to do it that way.
  7. Hey Pete, I'm glad you showed an interest on signing up on our forums! If you registered correctly we hope we can approve your application soon! as we got well over 150 applications that our council has to go through manually and if thats not the case inbox me or add me on the following accounts below if you need any help.
  8. Yes that is true but we are also trying to bring it back
  9. We Are Back! Hey guys i am MrDJSilva i'm here on the behalf of all the students from TheJediAcademy.net, As you all know its rather been dark times for the site aswel JK2 and JK3 for last couple of years but if we all work together i am pretty sure we can awaken the site and aswel as the population JK2 and JK3 servers, I am not a official representative of TJA community but i am one of their students within the academy however we all care for Jedi Academy so come join us and hopefully we can revive something that we enjoyed for years. TJA originally established in 2002 as a community based around teaching and enjoying 'Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast' and later on "Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy" we have built a strong following focused around the core desire to help others whilst striving to be the best we can be; both at playing the games we support and in our mentality on the servers. Come join our site at http://www.thejediacademy.net and add me on skype at scenesilva and i can add you into a group chat May The Force Be With You All! Sincerly, MrDJSilva TJA Student
  10. Oh thank you minilogoguy18 this may help alot to find someone thank you
  11. Hey Circa, Its a community that me and a couple of friends are making and we wanna keep it secretive at the moment till we have things sorted like a website and the dedicated box and yes im still with DE but server has gone down and martyr joined a different clan but inbox me man and ill give you some more details
  12. Okay we are looking for modders to create player skins for our community to represent our members ranks and custom clan maps (Training maps, Dual and Clan War maps) but cause i wanna get these thing secret we want someone trusted to make these's player skins and maps and not to redistribute them but yeah eezstreet message me on here or on skype and ill let you know more in to detail.
  13. Hey Guys, We are looking for a Official Community Modder for Star Wars Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast, that can provide us with quality maps player skins for our community for any information let me know on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/MrDJSilva/ or add me on skype thanks! skype is scenesilva
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